That doll looks more like a black man than me.
Everywhere you look these days you see Carolina athletes.
Everybody thought I was crazy. They thought I should take the money and run. But there was just something special about being a senior at Chapel Hill. I just couldn't leave.
Here at Carolina, our World Cup opponents marked their calendars. Obviously the other nations wanted to win every game, but a big upset over the U.S. was something we knew other teams would cherish.
They are always telling us that Carolina Blue is not a color, that it is really Columbia blue or sky blue. But there is no bad blood amongst the teammates. All of our kidding is in good fun.
I don't know if you could take a whole 90 minutes and say that was the best game we ever played.
I think UNC and Lorrie Fair is a perfect match.
I was frozen in awe. I knew my family was somewhere in that sea of people. Between my family and friends, I had about 15 personal supporters.
We're at the Super Bowl and the people are thanking us for coming. Thanking us for coming to the Super Bowl? Are you kidding me?
They're just fun pictures of me. They look good but when you read it, what does it say? Lorrie Fair, professional soccer player.