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believe care help outside people thinking weeks
Karen Stewart When we were in Waveland, we were thinking about how we could help folks. We wanted it to be more than that we went to Waveland for two weeks to help. We wanted to say that people outside of Mississippi care about them and believe as they do that they will rebuild.
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Annette O'Toole When we were first together, he said, Nobody's ever called me Darling. I said, I can't believe that - I could just cry thinking about it.
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Chuck Gillingham When we went to interview her, she almost canceled. But she had been with her daughter that morning and was thinking if, God forbid, something happened to her daughter that someone would come forward and do the right thing.
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Allan Ray When I was on that floor and couldn't see anything, that was one of the first things I was thinking about, I'd probably be blind. I thought I was. I couldn't see anything. Everything was burning. Pretty much, my life just flashed in front of me.
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Phil Klay When I was in Marine training I memorised 'The Waste Land,' which was a significant experience in terms of really breaking apart language and thinking about how the different voices in that poem function.
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Tim Whitehead We respect the advantage it will be for them. We're not going in thinking it's just another game at a neutral site. We know we're up against it here. And we have a respect for the challenge. But we understand it can be done. We've done it.
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Henry Hazlitt Give me the clear blue sky above my head, and the green turf beneath my feet, a winding road before me, and a three hours' march to dinner - and then to thinking!
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Cindy Sheehan We're going to do what we do all the time: gather together in peace. We're going to call for George Bush and the neo-cons not to invade Iran. That would be a mistake even worse than Iraq. Our children are sitting ducks in the Middle East; the people of Iran and Iraq would be sitting ducks. And I'm not even sure that this invasion won't lead to World War III. So it's something that we have to stop before it starts.
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Kendrick Meek Americans simply ask for, not just Democrats in the House but also the Senate has asked the President for a clear plan as it relates to dealing with the issue of Iraq and our troops and making sure that we can bring families together in the very near future.
attempt break clearly coalition continued crucial economic effort enemy iraqis progress provide seeing support transition
Ricardo Sanchez What we're seeing here is clearly a continued attempt and a more concentrated effort by the enemy to try to get all the Iraqis that are cooperating with the coalition to break away and not provide us that support that is so crucial to getting to economic progress and the transition to sovereignty,
attacking attempt bent citizens defense honorable iraq justice law rule seeing side subvert trying whether
Adam Ereli What we're seeing here is an attempt to subvert justice, an attempt to subvert the rule of law by those that are bent on attacking honorable citizens of Iraq who are trying to see that justice is done, whether it be on the prosecution side or on the defense side.
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E. B. White What this demonstrates is that Iraq is really skating on the edge of chaos, that things can go very bad very quickly.
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Pat Roberts When we do, then the people of Iraq will no longer live in fear of his return. ... You can see it in their faces, you can hear it in their voices.
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Joseph Battipaglia What happens with Iraq is very important in January and February to pretty much set the tone for how the economy will fare for the rest of the year. So when we have that answer, then you can get your market direction. In the meantime, you essentially move sideways.
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Joseph Biden What happens when our ambassador has to stand up and make the case on intelligence relating to Iraq and North Korea? ... Do you think John Bolton is going to be believed? And do you think it matters? I think it matters a great deal.
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Gerhard Schroeder We can disarm Iraq without war. I see grasping this chance as my responsibility,
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Jonathan Maberry When I was in middle school, the librarian there was secretary for a couple of groups of professional writers. She introduced me to Ray Bradbury and Richard Matheson, and I became very friendly with them over a period of two years. Both of them were very generous with their time, guidance and advice.
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John Warner We're going to recommend to the secretary of defense not to use such funds as he has available ... to implement the initial stages of this program.
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Abbas Kiarostami Whenever people ask me what the story is for my next film, I won't tell and people feel it's because I'm being secretive or something, but it's actually because I'm ashamed to sum up a film in three sentences.
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Jan Adams We brought the lawsuit because we believe the public has a right to know about the 'no fly' list and other government watch lists. And we succeeded in doing so by making public hundreds of pages of documents that not only confirmed the existence of the 'no fly' list, but exposed many of the serious problems with the secret list. Only by informed public debate can we make our government accountable and our country safer.
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Roger Williams We're going to have to see Bob Kennedy's 4-H card before we can let him enter this. I think he's let his membership expire. And another thing - he had a secretary from the office carry that tree in here. He didn't carry it in himself, so how do we know it's his? And even if those two things don't disqualify him, our 'ugly' rule would knock him out of the competition, anyway.
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Sathya Baba Unity is the secret of social progress, and service to society is the means to promote it.Â
advised chief concern general nations secretary security staff trip united visit
Fred Eckhard United Nations security had a general concern about the secretary general's visit to this region. But in the end, the chief of staff advised the secretary general to make the trip anyway.
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Condoleezza Rice Unfortunately, it came open at the wrong time. Obviously, I'm very busy as secretary of state, and I intend to continue to be secretary of state as long as the president of the United States will have me.
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Terry Teachout Were I to be appointed Secretary of Education, I'd issue a prospectus for a compulsory nationwide high school course called 'The American Experience in Art.'