Related Quotes
editors worry goal
Chelsea Quinn Yarbro Very few editors worry about heresy - their goals are much too commercial, thank goodness.
writing thinking editors
C. S. Forester I formed a resolution to never write a word I did not want to write; to think only of my own tastes and ideals, without a thought of those of editors or publishers.
careless class editors ideal lap last malevolent meddling reviewers steer struggle words writers
John Updike Writers take words seriously-perhaps the last professional class that does-and they struggle to steer their own through the crosswinds of meddling editors and careless typesetters and obtuse and malevolent reviewers into the lap of the ideal reader.
editors two people
Bill Nye There are just two people entitled to refer to themselves as "we"; one is the editor and the other is the fellow with a tapeworm.
editors denver pot
Bill O'Reilly The Denver Post has actually hired an editor to promote pot.
unique editors vantage-point
Bernard Haisch It seems from my unique vantage point as both scientist and editor of JSE that substantial evidence exists of "something going on".
editors together information
Eli Pariser In a broadcast society, there were these gatekeepers, the editors, and they controlled the flows of information. Along came the Internet and it swept them out of the way, and it allowed all of us to connect together, and it was awesome. But that's not actually what's happening right now.
editors public-opinion politician
Austin O'Malley Public opinion is the pennant on a nation's mast which shows the politician and the editor how to trim the sails.
struggle america politician
Al Lewis America gets the politicians they deserve. That's it. And you keep struggling.
stupid people politician
Bill Maher The politicians are no prizes, but the people are even worse, they're so ill-informed. I never understand the pushback when I say people are stupid.
differences politician chimpanzees
Kurt Vonnegut He couldn't tell the difference between one politician and another. They were all formlessly enthusiastic chimpanzees to him.
politician charisma
Catherine Zeta-Jones A great politician has great charisma.
running politician states
Carl Lewis I'm not running for state Senate because I wanted to become a politician. I'm running because I wanted to serve.
speak politician enough
Carl Hiaasen The one word that no politician will ever speak, is 'enough.' Enough.
best crossing good hear politician rarely simply standard wages workers
James Surowiecki Workers who come to the U.S. see their wages and their standard of living boosted sharply simply by crossing the border. That's a good thing, and one of the best arguments for immigration reform, even if you'll rarely hear a politician make it.
want groups politician
Bill Nighy I don't want to associate myself with any specific group of politicians.
police bills politician
Bill O'Reilly The one thing the police cannot protect us from is a politician like Bill de Blasio.