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husband missing sally
George Butler Were missing Sally, my sister. Sally Canfield, and her husband Timothy.
marriage husband lovers
Anne Finch They err, who say that husbands can't be lovers.
bit both chose city finally husband keen london paris romantic spoke supposed
Andrea Phillips We both really wanted to go to London but I also wanted to go to Italy. My husband not being keen on Italy, we finally chose Paris because it's supposed to be such a romantic city and because we both already spoke a bit of French.
artistic bit box children dealing drama family goal gore gotten happy hits husband individual marriage movies notes outside personal pollyanna terms time weather wife
Nicolas Cage With my goal to make a family drama and also my artistic aspirations of doing things which are a bit edgy, I've gotten a really happy marriage in 'The Weather Man', ... Gore went outside the box and did something personal and artistic, but at the same time it hits all the right notes in terms of children that may be going through a divorce, or a husband and wife dealing with it in a way that's not Pollyanna or saccharine or B.S. I haven't made that many movies like it. I know I've never made a movie as individual as 'The Weather Man' in dealing with family issues.
husband eye intellectual
Frederick Saunders A woman with a hazel eye never elopes from her husband, never chats scandal, never finds fault, never talks too much nor too little--always is an entertaining, intellectual, agreeable and lovely creature.
dance husband feet
William Shakespeare She is your treasure, she must have a husband; I must dance bare-foot on her wedding day, And, for your love to her, lead apes in hell.
funny husband long-ago
Alan Beck What is a husband? He is the one who, with a touch, can bring back the starlight and glow of years long ago. At least he hopes he can - don't disappoint him.
husband grandmother air
Alan Bradley My grandmother flew only once in her life, and that was the day she and her new husband ascended into the skies of Victorian London in the wicker basket of a hot-air balloon. They were soon to emigrate to Canada, and the aerial ride was meant to be a last view of their beloved England.
adopt care children desire excited foster last talked time
David Brown When we went into foster care this last time we talked to our children about our desire to adopt and they were all excited about the possibility.
beware children mother uncle
Patty Hopson When I was little, my mother always told me to beware of strangers. Today, I tell my children to beware of Uncle Chester, their Mother's Molester.
alive believe best bring children daily decision lives owe present stay until
Deborah Copaken Kogan When it comes down to it, I believe that, having made the decision to bring children into the world, I owe it to them to be as present as I can in their daily lives and to try my best to stay alive until they've made it through to adulthood.
benefit children close florida professors tech
Eliud Nieves We're so close to Florida Tech that you get the children of professors and students. We benefit from that.
audiences both children directed films georgia planning start tom weeks
Tony Long We're going to start planning it two weeks after this one is over. Tom Glennon (director of the Georgia Children's Museum) has already come to me with the idea of a children's division, both films made by children and directed at children as an audience. We may even show them at the museum.
bush call children ducks gather george invade invasion iran iraq lead middle mistake people sitting stop sure together war worse
Cindy Sheehan We're going to do what we do all the time: gather together in peace. We're going to call for George Bush and the neo-cons not to invade Iran. That would be a mistake even worse than Iraq. Our children are sitting ducks in the Middle East; the people of Iran and Iraq would be sitting ducks. And I'm not even sure that this invasion won't lead to World War III. So it's something that we have to stop before it starts.
children mistake educational
Anne Sullivan It's a great mistake, I think, to put children off with falsehoods and nonsense, when their growing powers of observation and discrimination excite in them a desire to know about things.
children names ideas
Anne Sullivan Why, it is as easy to teach the name of an idea, if it is clearly formulated in the child's mind, as to teach the name of an object.
children city defeated failing great inspire nobel resident union win
Kathie Pontus What a great story to inspire our children of today. Not only can you be a resident of Union City and go on to win a Nobel Prize, but you shouldn't be defeated by the failing of a subject.
fingers hands happened
Chris Carpenter When I was out there in the sixth, my hands and my fingers started cramping up, ... The same thing happened when I went up to hit.
concerned hands highly remain
Thomas Steg We remain highly concerned about those still in the hands of the hostage-takers,
hands cameras pests
Princess Anne You are a pest, by the very nature of that camera in your hand.
background behind checks hands known looking publicly scenes sure
Tom Smith What we're looking for behind the scenes are background checks for known felons and other things that are publicly available, to make sure these don't get in the hands of a criminal.
begin civilization grandest hands human march race stand stopped
Eugene Debs When we are in partnership and have stopped clutching each other's throats, when we have stopped enslaving each other, we will stand together, hands clasped, and be friends. we will be comrades, we will be brothers, and we will begin the march to the grandest civilization the human race has ever known.
enjoy experience great hands life miss plays says somebody time turn wish
Amy Grant What a great thing to wish for, your life plays out in a way, that you miss something that's so important to you, and somebody says what would you like, or if I could wish I would turn back the hands of time and go back and enjoy this experience that I missed.
facing few giving hands main people problems shake speeches stands talking teach
John Edwards What he does is he comes into a ticketed event, stands at the podium, delivers a speech, may shake a few hands on his way out, ... What I've been doing is I've been in people's homes, on Main Street, in cafes -- not only talking but listening. Giving speeches does not teach you what the problems are that people are facing in their lives.
built cost father found hands officially operated remove store structure
Larry Flowers We found that out officially this morning, and it will cost us more to remove the debris. But there's more to that than just the cost for me. My father built that structure with his own hands (and operated it as a store for many years).
best coming football hands next teams
Willie McGinest We can do a lot of things better. We have one of the best teams if not the best team in football right now coming in here next week. We have our hands full. If we don't get better, there are going to be some problems.