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things-in-life matter christianity
Aiden Wilson Tozer Very few things in life matter.
taken people christianity
Aiden Wilson Tozer When people sugarcoat Christianity, arrange it all nicely, they have, in effect, taken away the Cross.
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Aiden Wilson Tozer Unsaintly saints are the tragedy of Christianity.
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Aiden Wilson Tozer If your Christianity depends upon a pastor's preaching, then you're a long way from being where you should be.
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Aiden Wilson Tozer The basic trouble with the church today is her unworthy concept of God... Our religion is weak because our God is weak... Christianity at any given time is strong or weak depending on her concept of God.
may christianity smooth
Aiden Wilson Tozer May God deliver us from the easygoing, smooth, comfortable Christianity that never lets the truth get hold of us.
numbers generations christianity
Aiden Wilson Tozer In every generation the number of the righteous is small. Be sure you are among them.
stories facts christianity
Chinua Achebe In fact, I thought that Christianity was very a good and a very valuable thing for us. But after a while, I began to feel that the story that I was told about this religion wasn't perhaps completely whole, that something was left out.
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Aiden Wilson Tozer The devil is a better theologian than any of us and is a devil still.
still-life-with-woodpecker proof theologian
Charles M. Schulz Humor is proof that everything is going to be all right with God nevertheless.
theologian malady seems
David Hume The bigotry of theologians is a malady which seems almost incurable.
cells imitation theologian
Charles Fort The theologians have recognized that the ideal is the imitation of God. If we be a part of such an organic thing, this thing is God to us, as I am God to the cells that compose me.
theologian seriousness ultimate
Dietrich Bonhoeffer Ultimate seriousness in not without a dose of humor.
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Adrian Rogers The devils more orthodox than some theologians I know.
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Bhagavad Gita As a man can drink water from any side of a full tank, so the skilled theologian can wrest from any scripture that which will serve his purpose.
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Hans Kung There's no use casting doubt on (scientific) results with some little problems, as the intelligent-design people or the creationists do. What's there is there. A theologian should not cast doubt on a scientific consensus, but see how he can deal with it.
christian add theologian
Desiderius Erasmus Only a very few can be learned, but all can be Christian, all can be devout, and – I shall boldly add – all can be theologians.