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coffee discuss drink sit
Penn Jillette We would sit and drink decaffeinated coffee and discuss things. Always pretentiously.
associated coffee evidence found increased refute risk strong
Wolfgang Winkelmayer We found strong evidence to refute speculation that coffee consumption is associated with an increased risk of hypertension in women.
coffee cup designer dogs
Kathy Russell We are getting a renaissance downtown. We've got designer restaurants and designer dogs, and (people) would like to have a designer cup of coffee with their designer dog.
coffee missing
Al Pacino Without coffee something’s missing
coffee jamaica world
Chris Blackwell Jamaica has the best coffee, the best sugar, the best ginger and some of the best cocoa in the world.
coffee people special
Cherie Lunghi I have had big relationships. Three times in my life I have felt a special connection, but people talk about looking for love as if it's just like walking into a Starbucks and buying a coffee when you feel like it. It's rare, that special connection.
coffee drs peppers
Cher I can't do coffee, but I can do Dr. Pepper.
coffee espresso funny-coffee
Cher You make good coffee . . . You're a slob, but you make good coffee.
allow businesses comfort confused customers emphasis enable felt greater provide shopping solutions spent technology thinking time touched various
Nick Montepara When we were thinking this through, the emphasis was on what solutions we could enable that would allow us to provide our customers with greater convenience and greater comfort when they?re shopping our stores. We spent a lot of time working with the various businesses before we even touched the technology because I felt it was important not to get confused by any preconceived limitations of what technology can do.
believe care help outside people thinking weeks
Karen Stewart When we were in Waveland, we were thinking about how we could help folks. We wanted it to be more than that we went to Waveland for two weeks to help. We wanted to say that people outside of Mississippi care about them and believe as they do that they will rebuild.
american-dancer believe cry thinking
Annette O'Toole When we were first together, he said, Nobody's ever called me Darling. I said, I can't believe that - I could just cry thinking about it.
almost daughter forward god happened interview morning thinking
Chuck Gillingham When we went to interview her, she almost canceled. But she had been with her daughter that morning and was thinking if, God forbid, something happened to her daughter that someone would come forward and do the right thing.
floor front life thinking
Allan Ray When I was on that floor and couldn't see anything, that was one of the first things I was thinking about, I'd probably be blind. I thought I was. I couldn't see anything. Everything was burning. Pretty much, my life just flashed in front of me.
apart breaking experience language marine poem terms thinking voices waste
Phil Klay When I was in Marine training I memorised 'The Waste Land,' which was a significant experience in terms of really breaking apart language and thinking about how the different voices in that poem function.
advantage against game neutral respect thinking understand
Tim Whitehead We respect the advantage it will be for them. We're not going in thinking it's just another game at a neutral site. We know we're up against it here. And we have a respect for the challenge. But we understand it can be done. We've done it.
thinking blue sky
Henry Hazlitt Give me the clear blue sky above my head, and the green turf beneath my feet, a winding road before me, and a three hours' march to dinner - and then to thinking!
fashion thinking slave
Frida Lyngstad I like to think of myself as being fashion-conscious without being a slave to fashion.
accused deal family increase issues number worry
Tom Daschle When I was accused of being an obstructionist, there was a corresponding, a very significant increase in the number of issues that my family and I had to deal with. And I worry about that,
ready worry
Mariano Rivera Tomorrow? We have to go there and do it, ... Don't worry, I'll be ready for tomorrow.
activity based commodity economic given good moderation positive possible potential prices remain remains returns risk spending squeeze visibility worry
Jim Wicklund We remain positive based on economic activity and E&P spending; we're also positive on 2007 but see some risk to E&P spending given the potential squeeze on returns (with) a possible moderation in commodity prices in '07. Visibility remains too good to worry too early, however.
beginning bit hopefully next ready shut week worry
Larry Brown We're going to shut him down a little bit. Hopefully, he'll be back at the beginning of next week and we'll know a little bit more. Hopefully he'll be ready to play. If not we'll worry about that then.
alabama focus performance stanford worry
Tanya Chaplin We're going to focus on our own performance and not worry about what Stanford or Alabama is doing.
affairs based community concepts counties create department determine develop key land opportunity population projection state trying whether worry
Eric Draper What they're trying to do is to create the opportunity for them to be able to develop their land without them having to worry about someone challenging the development based upon the sprawl or the population projection rules, and those are two key concepts that the state Department of Community Affairs and counties use to determine whether a development is appropriate.
andrew blessing coach guys worry
Dana Addis What a blessing it is for a coach to have guys like Andrew and Horton. We don't have to worry about them when they're on the floor.
assess consumer demand market prices quantify rise whether wood worry
Steven Chercover We would really need for the DOD to quantify the demand to assess whether prices for wood could rise in the market as a result. I don't think the consumer has something to worry about right now.
close friend happened irrational spoke worrying
Mary Matalin What he did was not an irrational thing. This was a very close friend this happened to. Everyone was shaken up about it. When I spoke to him, it was all about Harry, worrying about him.