Related Quotes
add close developed enthusiasm proximity
Steve Yzerman We've always developed it with the close proximity and the Ohio-Michigan thing. There's a lot of enthusiasm at games, and that will just add to it, I'm sure.
add becomes benefit buying consumers fact item novelty third wear
Marshall Cohen When it becomes the third week, the novelty is going to wear off, but the consumers will still be buying one more item just because of the fact that they're going to be having ... more in their pocket. That one item is going to add up and it is going to benefit the retailer more than the consumer.
Dr. Gordon When it all adds up together, you can really have a disaster.
added last point remember strong team year
Deb Vercauteren We remember that we were one point away last year and that's added fuel. This is a whole new season, but we should be a strong team outdoors.
actions adding capacity currently decision happen highways improve necessary points rid river route weave
Peter Larson We're making some improvements as to where the decision points on the highways are going to be. We are getting rid of the weave actions that currently happen between the Chenengo River and Interchange 7. At Interchange 4 with Route 7. We're adding lanes where necessary to improve the capacity of the highway.
additional changes mainstream memory options order platform provide systems
Chuck Mulloy We're making changes to our roadmap for processors in 2001 in order to provide some additional memory options for the low-cost platform for Pentium 4-based systems for the mainstream market.
address ahead community date move optimistic remain vote
Maria Alvarado We remain optimistic that between now and the date of the scheduled vote we will be able to move ahead and address these community concerns.
address appear benefit brazil concerned outlook remain results structural year
Mark Swartzberg We remain concerned about the company's long-term outlook and management's preparedness to address the challenges. Still, built-in expectations or valuation appear to be low, and 2006 should benefit from the structural elimination of Brazil and a year of disappointing results in 2005.
alex band cards family members prayer remember team tribute wants
Dianne Nolan We remember Alex and his family in our prayers. We have cards going out to the members of the pep band and our team wants to do something as a tribute to Alex in his remembrance.
assistance cards homes sure
Thad Quarles We're making sure that those cards will be used the right way. (We) think that about 700 to 800 homes will need some assistance in some fashion.
cards confidence consumer few filling last number people responses weeks
Gail Fosler Very few of the responses will have a post-attack impact, ... In the last two weeks people have ... been very distracted. Filling out response cards to consumer confidence surveys has not really been their number one priority.
games gambling cards
Al Alvarez Hold'em is a game of calculated aggression. If your cards are good enough for you to call a bet, they are good enough to raise with.
pants cards crew
Chad Knaus Drivers are pretty well set, but crew chiefs, they change their business cards like they change their pants.
over-you cards credit
Charlie Munger Once you get into debt, it’s hell to get out. Don’t let credit card debt carry over. You can’t get ahead paying eighteen percent.
dog mean cards-youre-dealt
Charles M. Schulz Sometimes I wonder how you can stand being just a dog..." "You play with the cards you're dealt... Whatever that means.
funny gum cards
Charles M. Schulz Beethoven can't really be great because his picture isn't on a bubble gum card.
cost-of-living add cards
Bob Phillips A credit card sometimes adds to the high cost of living but more often to the cost of high living.