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accepted definitely entirely needed realize time
David Lambert When I was in Taiwan, we were there for about 8 months, and I was 11 at the time, so it was definitely a culture shock. But it was a really interesting time to be there. I didn't entirely realize how different it is from the States. I just accepted it because I was there and my parents needed to be there.
accept discovered found good husbands raised ready
Angeles Mastretta When I was in my 20s, I wanted to be tough. I discovered that I didn't want to be the woman I was raised to be - a good, traditional wife. When I went out in the world to find a husband, I found that husbands weren't ready to accept the kind of woman I was going to be.
accepted aware cherry famous george gospel incident invention learned mason tree washington younger
Grant Woods When I was a boy, we all learned the story of George Washington and the cherry tree and accepted it as gospel truth. The present, more enlightened younger generation, however, is well aware that this incident never happened, but that it was the invention of Washington's most famous biographer, the Rev. Mason Locke Weems.
academic accept best improvement state trying
Craig Pletenik We're making some of the best academic improvement in the state, and we've got a bureaucratic blunder that we're trying to correct, and the state won't accept the correction.
accept activity aftermath fell housing immediate optimistic relatively remain
Ian Shepherdson We remain relatively optimistic about the housing market, but we do accept that activity fell sharply in the immediate aftermath of Sept. 11,
acceptable hopeful remain sides solutions
Manmohan Singh We remain hopeful that solutions acceptable to all sides will be found.
accepted leader matured ourselves pull tie wagon
Darrell Butler We're going to tie ourselves to his wagon and let him pull us around. He's our leader and he's really matured and accepted that role.
accept almost america american-critic best book demands reader record writer
Lester Bangs What this book demands from a reader is a willingness to accept that the best writer in America could write almost nothing but record reviews.
clear existed felt haven potential situation somalia
Richard Boucher We've always made clear that we felt that Somalia and the situation that existed there made it a potential haven for terrorists.
bottoms felt market seeing test today
Marc Klee We've always felt that we were going to have to test the bottoms that we've seen. We think what you are seeing today is probably that test and we really don't think that the market is going much lower.
felt opportunity performed surprised
Tom Higgins We've always felt that way. I'm not surprised that when he had the opportunity to go in that he performed as well as he did.
business effort felt model
Pat Ivey We've always felt that this Business 40 effort could be a model for other projects.
ability advertising agency continued creative felt leading marketing match retail strengths success testament
Ellis Verdi We've always felt that no other agency could match our creative strengths in retail advertising, and this year's continued success at RAMA is a testament to our ability in marketing leading retailers.
Jeremy Shockey We've always felt like that. Not just because of this game. We just felt we can play with anybody.
defense face feet felt floor full goal hand hopefully points shooting stronger
Kevin Cato We've always felt like our defense was one of the stronger points of our game. Our goal was to have a hand in their face for the full 94 feet of the floor and that would hopefully take away some of their shooting ability.
bay derby felt horse sam tampa trained
Tom Albertrani We've always felt he would be a better horse around two turns, and he trained better going into the Tampa Bay Derby than he did the Sam Davis.
both definitely feared felt good hitter physically seemed together year
Sean Cotter We've always felt Heidi was a real good hitter, and she's definitely a feared hitter in the conference, but it just seemed like she just wasn't able to put it together for long stretches. And this year she's just been in a really good place, I think, both physically and mentally.
anywhere asked field hard played player roles type
Jill Malko We've asked her to do things that she didn't anticipate. She has played all these roles because of all the injuries. But she's the type of player that can play anywhere on the field and that's pretty hard to find.
ball hard hit league lost maybe mound side
Rich Miller We've always said that's probably the widest mound in the league ? and maybe all of baseball. I really think the mound is too wide. That ball by Heintz was hit hard and then it hit the side of the mound. But that's not what lost us the game.
buyer hardcover paperback reached
Chris Lynch We've always reached the hardcover buyer more than the paperback buyer.
difference harder known powers
Bob Morton We've always known the destructive powers of hurricanes. The difference now is that we have that much more information. It's that much harder to ignore.
confident hardest job nobody paying
Mitchell Hurwitz When we were making 'Arrested Development,' it was the hardest thing I'd ever done. You know, nobody was watching. We weren't getting feedback. The job wasn't paying very well. But the one thing I did feel confident about was: No one will ever be able to do this again. Because no one would be stupid enough to try.
benefits hard knowing practice
Jim Crumlish When we were losing, going into practice every day was tough. You go in every day to practice knowing that it will be brutal. And when you are losing, it's that much worse. You don't get to see the benefits of all your hard work, as you do when you're winning.
backing brought defense fight hard instead letting locker second step tougher
Jermaine Spencer When we went in the locker room, we said we weren't pushing. We weren't getting as hard after them as we should. In the second half, we brought the fight to them. Instead of backing down and letting them do what they want to do, we made them step up and play -- play defense and make tougher shots.
georgia hard quite trying undo
Sam Taylor-Johnson When I was out in Georgia doing photographs, I found myself trying to undo my own sense of composition. I'd think, 'Why do I want to take it like this? Is it because I want to take a beautiful picture?' It's quite hard to try and undo it.
answers ask best decisive hard people
Chelsea Peretti When I was little, people would ask what my favorite color was, and I never knew. I find it's really hard to make decisive 'best' answers on what the 'best' of something is.