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albums diamond good maybe mix musical pop radio side stuff touch tried
Gene Johnson We've always tried to have a good mix of stuff on our albums -- something that's fun, something that's very radio friendly, something that's going to touch someone's heart, maybe even something that's pop influenced. More than ever, on the 'Completely' album, we wanted to show more than one musical side of Diamond Rio.
dreamt music nightmare original rewrite sat series seriously stuff tv work
Aleksey Igudesman We've always dreamt of a TV series and working in film. When we first sat down to seriously write 'A Little Nightmare Music,' to write something for TV was our original inspiration. But all the stuff we were writing down is not going to work on stage. We had to rewrite it so it would work on the stage.
british-musician decided ourselves singles sort
John Deacon We've always decided ourselves what we wanted to put out as our singles and that sort of things.
became musicians obsessive score trying younger
Jon King When we were younger we were all trying to score points. But as musicians all we wanted to do was to make something that sounded great, and we became obsessive about it.
audience good knew music playing reaction song spent suggested using white year
John Tesh When I was playing piano, it was like, 'I'm going to write a song using all the white keys.' My music director, who knew my jazz background, suggested I try big-band music, so we spent a year experimenting with it in concert, and the audience reaction was really good.
american-musician brown governor jerry lieutenant might recall spent term year
Mike Curb When I was lieutenant governor, Jerry Brown was governor and you might recall that he spent just about a year of my term out of the state.
american-musician weeks
Michael Bolton When I was invited to sing with Pavarotti, I had about two weeks to learn Italian.
goes music
Pauley Perrette When I was in N.Y. bartending, I was in a billion music videos. I was in Madonna, George Michael, Salt-n-Pepa - it goes on and on.
coming louisiana respect soul work
Kathleen Blanco We respect the work you have done. You have been in our prayers. ... It grieves my soul to say that you're coming back to a Louisiana that is not whole. ... There is a lot of work to do, but we are up to the task.
soul took
Charles Neville What he took from me was nothing, because he can't take my spirit, he can't take my soul. My soul is New Orleans.
air eyes liberty light love lungs soul
Robert Green Ingersoll What light is to the eyes -- what air is to the lungs -- what love is to the heart, liberty is to the soul of man.
loving money souls
Al Groh With no loving in our souls and no money in our coats.
afforded array audiences believable brought cd current delivery direct forth inspirational kay manner music musical please reaches soulful sure voice
Sandy Johnson With Ms. Truesdale's current CD album, 'I know Him' on Nashville's CIS-Christian label, Jeanie Kay has brought forth an array of inspirational music sure to please any listener, ... Her soulful voice and her emotional, believable musical delivery reaches audiences in a direct manner not often afforded many singers.
along appear arabian disposes face grief grieve ice kindness learn natural nature pleasantly pure river serenity sing soon soul spent sympathy
Henry David Thoreau We feel at first as if some opportunities of kindness and sympathy were lost, but learn afterward that any pure grief is ample recompense for all. That is, if we are faithful; -- for a spent grief is but sympathy with the soul that disposes events, and is as natural as the resin of Arabian trees. -- Only nature has a right to grieve perpetually, for she only is innocent. Soon the ice will melt, and the blackbirds sing along the river which he frequented, as pleasantly as ever. The same everlasting serenity will appear in this face of God, and we will not be sorrowful, if he is not.
blue sky soul
Frederick Saunders Good-humor is the clear blue sky of the soul.
wisdom pain soul
John Powell There is no such thing as a peace of soul approach to religion. It makes of God a gigantic Bayer Aspirin; take God three times a day and you won't feel any pain.
love-you soul god-love
William Shakespeare Love denied blights the soul we owe to God.
dreamed honor incredible kid recognized
Brandon Roy When I was a kid I dreamed about this. It's an incredible honor to be recognized nationally like this.
continue create honor maybe opportunity peace work
Anne Bacon Tom's work was very important, and the way that we will honor him is to try to continue that work, maybe not for each of us going to Iraq, but we all have the opportunity to create peace in our own community.
approve honor mean respect
Francis Escudero We respect and honor the decision. But it does not mean we approve of it.
crowd front honor pulled
Tony Prentice We're going to rename the invitational to honor Pat. I pulled him in front of the crowd and made a speech.
attacking attempt bent citizens defense honorable iraq justice law rule seeing side subvert trying whether
Adam Ereli What we're seeing here is an attempt to subvert justice, an attempt to subvert the rule of law by those that are bent on attacking honorable citizens of Iraq who are trying to see that justice is done, whether it be on the prosecution side or on the defense side.
guy honor living people pick planning range run spot three
Troy Johnson What they're planning on doing is make people honor him when they run the pick and roll. He can spot up in the corner. He has range out to the three point. He's not going to be a guy who is going to make a living in the post.
airlines dedicate honor lovely plane spirit wish wonderful
Floyd Hall What a lovely honor it is to have Spirit Airlines dedicate a new plane to our islands. We are most appreciative and wish Spirit Airlines wonderful success.
chance democrats given great honor replaced serve
Pat Leahy What a great honor it is for all of us - Republicans, Democrats and independents - to serve in this body. Only 100 of us get a chance to do it at any given time. Some day we will be replaced by others. What an honor it is to be here, but what a responsibility.
athletic great hard honor improvement programs shows worked worst
Alex Anderson What a great honor for our school. It shows the improvement we've made. We used to be one of the worst athletic programs around, but we've worked hard to get where we are today.