Related Quotes
afraid carefully investors money particular risks starting work
Alan Foreman We're starting to find that investors in particular are measuring their risks carefully and are not afraid to put their money to work at this time.
afraid art assign cultural determine great likelihood lose point whether
Richard Phillips When we can't determine what is art - when you get to that point where we're not sure, that's the greatest likelihood that we're actually experiencing something great. But I think that's what the art world is most afraid of, because you lose that security. Then we don't know how to assign evaluation, whether it's cultural or otherwise.
afraid against product
Paula Berg We would put our product up against anybody's. We're not afraid of anyone.
afraid changes knew living people scientists wonder
John Anderson What I am afraid of is that people living there will one day look back and wonder why, if scientists knew changes were occurring to the island, they didn't do anything about it.
afraid beaten certain common definitely fairly goes industries might people strength worked
David Kathman Weber goes off the beaten path. He practically scoffs at a lot of common valuation metrics and he isn't afraid to get heavily into certain industries that might make other people nervous. He definitely has the strength of his convictions, and for the most part it's worked out fairly well.
afraid call close contact paint physical
Yao Ming Usually I like going to the paint because I could get close shots, or physical contact and get a foul. Today, they didn't call it so I was afraid to go inside.
afraid coming days eye fit matches means misses player quickly space three
Gary Johnson With the matches coming so quickly - two in the space of three days - I'm afraid it means if a player misses the first game, then they probably won't be fit for the second. We'll keep an eye on them, but I think that will be the case.
afraid cry guess sitting
Mary Jane We're just sitting here, we're afraid to do anything else, ... If it's canceled, I guess I'll just sit here and cry like a baby.
albums diamond good maybe mix musical pop radio side stuff touch tried
Gene Johnson We've always tried to have a good mix of stuff on our albums -- something that's fun, something that's very radio friendly, something that's going to touch someone's heart, maybe even something that's pop influenced. More than ever, on the 'Completely' album, we wanted to show more than one musical side of Diamond Rio.
album commit finishing happen nice putting quote reasons together
Rivers Cuomo When we were putting the album together and finishing up the artwork, I didn't know what was going to happen in the future, and I told everyone that. I told them, 'Let's commit to this year, and see what happens,' ... And that was one of the reasons why I put that quote in there, because I thought it's a really nice way to say goodbye, if it is a goodbye.
ability album cheering closer fan george listening mixing position watching
John Bell When I was mixing the album I was just cheering it on, ... I was actually getting to put myself in a position of observation of listening to the band, watching it, experiencing it probably closer to a fan thing than I've ever had the ability to do, or that I've ever let myself do. And I was just like, yeah, George is getting it on. And that's what you want for anybody's performance.
album mostly saw school steven
Mike Birbiglia When I was in high school I saw Steven Wright, a brilliant one-liner comedian, and I thought: 'That's what I should do; I should write one-liners.' And I did. My first album is mostly one-liners.
albums beetle sort
Jonathan Cain We're sort of superstitious now. The albums that had the beetle on it did better than the ones that didn't. It's with us. It's part of our allure.
album aspect dealing happier labels position
Norman Blake We're so much happier now. We were in a position we didn't want to be in, dealing with labels that didn't know what to do with us. This album is on our own label, and we're responsible for every aspect of the release.
albums beautiful confused handed love people record truly understand within
Kevin Drew When we handed this record in, it confused a lot of people, even within the band. That's what I love about it -- I just find it this big, beautiful mess. Sometimes, albums should be experiments, and people who truly understand us know that's all we were doing from the get-go.
albums analog choice classic cool excited helmet machine project recorded release roots tape using
Page Hamilton Wharton was my only choice to co-produce this project with me. I want to get back to my roots with this release and what's really cool is that we are actually using the same tape machine that we recorded our first two albums with. The whole thing is also going to be done in all analog to give it that classic Helmet sound. We're very excited about it.
album fly recorded shoot sort video wrote
Mike Kroeger We wrote and recorded it in a day. That was sort of like 'OK guys, we've got to fly out to Alberta to shoot the 'Photograph' video tomorrow, so we probably better get the album done today.
aside brand connecting few focused job last lure money principals salary schedule several talking teachers
Maggie Deetz We've already set aside money for recruiting. We've been talking to principals for several years about going to job fairs and connecting with the colleges. Not all teachers will be brand new; we want to lure experienced ones from the other districts. For that, we have, for the last few years, focused on getting our teachers' salary schedule competitive.
aside few hours last mostly saturday setting
Chris Fisher We started setting aside two hours every Saturday last fall. A few adults come, but it?s mostly kids, some as young as six, but more around 12 to 13.
aside basically bodies dead floating push save trying
Ray Nagin There are dead bodies floating in some of the water, ... The rescuers would basically push them aside as they were trying to save individuals.
american-artist aside bill certain characters finger including main
Bob Kane There are certain characters Bill Finger created, aside from my main characters' and many other characters that I created, including the Batmobile.
aside companies full fully major million people
Luke Nosek Halcyon people have put aside and left their homes, their million dollar salaries, full professorships at major universities, and fully seed-funded startup companies to be part of this effort.
aside poured sake text
Kristina McMorris On occasion, I like to reread my grandfather's letters. While leafing through them, I'm saddened by what is being lost in modern communication. Soul-baring sentimentality isn't typically poured into text messages, tweets and emails. All too often, personal connections are brushed aside for the sake of convenience in a fast-paced world.
ability aside careful enhances faith learning
Joseph B. Wirthlin We should always be learning. However, we must be careful not to set aside our faith in the process, because faith actually enhances our ability to learn.
american-dancer aside chicago country few local master number people places students talent teachers
Katherine Dunham Aside from a few master teachers that we have had over the years, this has been a completely local talent development. But people have started to come now from Chicago, we have a number of students from Chicago and different places of the country and even in the world.
aside national platitudes replaced slogans
Eliot Spitzer The Chautauqua Institution is truly a national treasure. It is a place for contemplation and a place for reflection, a place where platitudes and slogans can be set aside and be replaced by thoughtfulness and introspection.
basically conception everybody felt found god talked traveled
Dennis Quaid When I was in my mid-20s, I traveled a lot around the world, and the question I had for everyone I talked to was, 'What is your conception of God?' I found that everybody basically felt the same: God is within and without. He's in everything.
concepts districts figure help infuse interested school states trying
Scott May What we're really interested in doing is trying to figure out how we can help states and school districts infuse biotechnology concepts into teaching.
affairs based community concepts counties create department determine develop key land opportunity population projection state trying whether worry
Eric Draper What they're trying to do is to create the opportunity for them to be able to develop their land without them having to worry about someone challenging the development based upon the sprawl or the population projection rules, and those are two key concepts that the state Department of Community Affairs and counties use to determine whether a development is appropriate.
concept interested
Robin Smith What he was interested in is the concept, and the concept is essentially to shock.
brought changed concept couple ford front fusion reaction studios styling success time
Peter Horbury We brought out the Ford 427 concept sedan a couple of years ago, at the same time Fusion development was under way in our styling studios. The reaction to the three-bar grille on the 427 was such a success we went back to the studios and changed Fusion's front end.
care concept embracing gets good moving players puck
Bob Mancini We're moving the puck at a good tempo. We have players that can really play offensively. The players are embracing the concept of unselfishness. They don't care who gets the goals.
adopting animals begin concept drop groups issue key push work
Tim Adams Working with groups like that and working with the rescues as well as adopting animals out is (how) we work to find these animals homes. The key to the whole overpopulation issue is spay/neuter, though. That's what it comes down to is we've got to really push the spay/neuter concept because that's what will begin to drop these numbers.
beginning car concept holding launch sake
Mike Gascoyne We feel that the concept of holding a new car launch at the beginning of each year, just for the sake of it, is outdated.
attributes attributes-of-god concepts
Aiden Wilson Tozer If we take away any of the attributes of God, we do not weaken God but we weaken our concept of God.
became clear encouraged explore season work
Kacey Giammanco When it became clear that the season was about to be cancelled, I encouraged Meghan to explore CSUMB. Thankfully, that will work out for her, and she will play there this season.
dignified dimensions explore full historians perfectly understand
Mary Berry What historians will look at is her contributions in these other things. Historians will understand and explore the full dimensions and not just the perfectly made up, dignified widow.
bring careers chance explore students year
Robert Peck We bring our students here each year to give them the chance to explore different careers to see all the things that are out there in engineering and science.
death dreary escape explore looking might permanent valley
Rob Manuel With multiplayer, permanent death, and an ever-changing world to explore and conquer, 'A Valley Without Wind' might be the place you're looking for if you need to escape the same dreary titles.
best decision deliberate diligently explore options rush sure
Jay Jacobs We're going to diligently look at our options and make the best decision for Auburn. We're going to try not to rush anything. We'll be deliberate and keep things moving, but we're going to explore and make sure we know what's best for Auburn.
compelled explore poetry utter
Neil deGrasse Tyson We explore our environment, more than we are compelled to utter poetry, when we're toddlers. We start doing that later. Before that happens, every child is a scientist.
available avenues best decided explored
Kyle Whittingham We explored a whole lot of different avenues and decided NAU was the best available to us.
british-scientist depth explored feet major miles
Louis Leakey We explored about 180 miles of exposures, ranging from a depth of about 300 feet to 50 feet, before we undertook any major digging.
addressing causing change control explore focused knew maybe origins stopping
Kevin Teale We're focused on stopping it right now. Maybe after we have it under control we'll explore the origins of the outbreak ... even if we knew what was causing it, it wouldn't change how we are addressing the situation.
asked assist bankers complete exploring investment mean putting quo sale status
Donald Steel We've asked investment bankers to assist with the review, but that doesn't mean we're putting it up for sale. We're exploring every option, from status quo to complete sale and everything in between.
attain costs exploring issue labor needed open options remain resolve savings various
Doug Steenland We remain open to exploring various options to attain the needed labor costs savings but we need to resolve the issue quickly.
bonding exploring meeting people pointing process
Bob Reed We're getting the process started with exploring bonding and meeting with some people who are pointing us in the right direction.
along exploring john point possibilities
Tony Agnone We're exploring other possibilities along with the Jets. We feel at this point probably that John will not be back in New York.
arm ball exploring learn
Matt Bowen We're exploring other hits. They have to learn that every ball can't be a spike, they have to use different arm angles.
exploring painless
Elliott McCullough We're exploring options. We want to make this as painless as possible." ()
enjoying exploring life
Phil Jackson We're exploring life without Shaq, ... and enjoying it, too.
cases evidence exploring reveals
Vincent Alfano We're exploring every possibility, ... I think this will be one of those cases that the evidence reveals the culprit.
exploring ready talk
Jill Lajdziak We're exploring different alternatives. We're not ready to talk about that today.
antics football heads knocking playing
Rodney Harrison When it comes down to it, ... it's just football. After all the circus, the antics and the sideshow, it's just football . . . just going out there and just knocking heads and just playing football.
beginning came game good heads kept needed people start
Joe Gray When it came right down to it, we did what we needed to do to win. We kept our heads in the game from start to finish. Finally, we're beginning to show people that we have a good team.
against competing guys heads main missing performance
Dwane Casey We're missing two of our main horses, and our young guys can keep their heads up by their performance (Friday night), competing against a playoff-hungry team.
blocked defense hang heads open picked shots
Scott Skiles We responded particularly well tonight. When things didn't go our way, we didn't go into one of our tremendously long droughts and hang our heads and look defeated. We did the reverse. We picked it up on defense and blocked some shots and got out in the open floor.
cool everybody heads hope involved prevail
David Lennon We're going to take this one day at a time, and we are going to hope that cool heads prevail and that everybody involved will find a way to get the show back.
heads learn
Charles Rhodes We're going to play through it. I know it. It's just, we got to keep our heads up. It's frustrating. I'm frustrated. But we're going to learn from our mistakes.
anybody business definition figured heads heard listening minutes scratched
Jim Dougherty When we heard it, listening to TV, we scratched our heads and said has anybody heard of this definition before, because it was something new to us. It wasn't our business to know this stuff, working with the commission's definition, ... Subsequently, when they made their amendment, we searched through their minutes and figured it out, but that was after the fact.
heads questions raise source
Jim Steets When we first got these findings we were scratching our heads because it does raise questions about what the source (of the leak) really is.
game heads kept
Tati Beasley We got worried, but we got our heads in the game and kept our composure.
became musicians obsessive score trying younger
Jon King When we were younger we were all trying to score points. But as musicians all we wanted to do was to make something that sounded great, and we became obsessive about it.
bunch history listen listeners living longer models music musicians relationship valid
Kent Beck There are musicians who want to make a living making music. There are listeners who want to listen to music. Complicating this relationship is a whole bunch of history: some of the music I want to listen to was made a while ago in a different economy. Some of the models of making a living making music are no longer valid but persist.
directing excited felt good knew love musicians presence process
Rick Rubin We felt Johnny's presence during the whole process through to the end. It felt like he was directing the proceedings, and I know that the musicians all felt that as well... More than once, Fergie and I would look at each other and say 'Johnny would love this,' because it was so good and so different from anything we'd done before, we knew he would be excited by what was happening.
familiar hear musicians notion song
Paul Provenza We're familiar with the notion of musicians reinterpreting the same song over and over, but we don't ever hear that with comedians,
artists associated continues fans games giving heard iconic millions music musicians opportunity pivotal promoting question role seen video wide worldwide
Cindy Cook There is no question that music continues to play a pivotal role in video games and video games continue to play a pivotal role in promoting new artists to a wide audience. Through this contest, we are giving musicians an unprecedented opportunity to be seen and heard by potentially millions of fans worldwide as well as the opportunity to be associated with this year's most anticipated video game and one of Hollywood's most iconic characters.
characters musicians pit structure within
Rick Elice There is no pit orchestra. The musicians are essentially characters in the show. That was a big idea from Des. And it set a structure within which we were able to write the show.
followed great learned lives musicians past thoughts turn
Kaki King I've followed the lives of great musicians and have learned that you don't have to always write in pain. You have all of your past experiences, feelings, and thoughts that you can turn on when you need them and turn off when you don't.
city equipment hands helping lost main makeup mean musicians overall ways
Bill Taylor We are helping the musicians who mean so much to the overall makeup of the city get back on their feet. One of the main ways we are doing that is by getting instruments and equipment into their hands which they lost doing the storm.
blues far festival musicians ontario seattle traveling
Nancy Idland We have musicians from as far away as Ontario and Seattle traveling all the way to Greenville to be a part of our first blues festival - this is exciting.
aftermath creates economy higher market moves oil price shaking strength territory time worries
Peter Cardillo What's shaking the market is oil and the aftermath of the hurricane, ... Every time the price of oil moves into new, higher territory that creates worries about the strength of the economy going forward.
inspirational territory originality
Alan Alda Originality is unexplored territory. You get there by carrying a canoe - you can't take a taxi.
territory fans reason
Chord Overstreet Its not weird being recognised, but its weird having to stop what youre doing to take pictures or sign something. But the fans are the reason you have your success, so it comes with the territory.
use territory principles
Charlie Munger It never ceases to amaze me to see how much territory can be grasped if one merely masters and consistently uses all the obvious and easily learned principles.
heroes people scratch surface territory work
Lee Bermejo I think you have to be crazy not to want to work on the Joker! I can't think of many characters, heroes or villains, that are as malleable as him. He really can be interpreted in so many different ways, and generally, people don't really want to scratch the surface because you can get into some really dark territory real fast.
moon world territory
Carolyn Porco We have at last glimpsed the surface of the fabled world, Titan, Saturn's largest moon and the greatest single expanse of unexplored territory remaining in the Solar System today,
knowing mind territory
Clarice Lispector I do not know much. But there are certain advantages in not knowing. Like virgin territory, the mind is free of preconceptions. Everything I do not know forms the greater part of me: This is my largesse. And with this I understand everything. The things I do not know constitute my truth.
successful guy territory
Brian Tracy The Unsuccessful Salesperson says, the other guy has the best territory. The Successful Salesperson says, every territory is the best one. The Unsuccessful Salesperson says, that company will never buy. The Successful Salesperson says, I can make that company buy.
basically crew knew people risk territory undercover work
Sarah Teale We did have to work undercover and film covertly. It was basically just the two of us as a crew the whole time. We were also in territory if people knew what we were doing, there was the risk of retaliation.