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cure cute-love dying love physical piece
Mother Teresa We can cure physical diesases with medicine, but the only cure for loneliness, despair, and hopelessness is love. There are many in the world who are dying for a piece of bread, but there are many more dying for a little love>
anxiety cures worst
William Shakespeare To fear the worst oft cures the worst.
christian loneliness cures
Aiden Wilson Tozer There is a strain of loneliness infecting many Christians, which only the presence of God can cure.
cure diet report
Michael Specter There has never been a verified scientific report that chelation therapy, a gluten-free diet, or anything else can cure autism.
adult animals apart appears applaud cells creation cures embryonic ethical figure good human news obtain providing stem studies using ways
David Stevens We applaud studies using animals to figure out ethical ways to obtain embryonic stem cells apart from the creation and destruction of human embryos. So far, however, no one appears to have accomplished this feat. Meanwhile, the good news is that adult stem cells are already providing real cures for real patients.
afflicted although best cancer country cross cure devastated help helping hurricane hurting josh lives mission nobody palmer people primary red ultimately whose
Jim Palmer We started this thing (the Josh Palmer Fund) to help people who were hurting and were in need of a helping hand. There's nobody hurting as much in this country right now as those people whose lives have been devastated by Hurricane Katrina. Although our primary mission is to help young people afflicted by cancer and ultimately to find a cure for cancer, these people need help right now and we're going to do our best to help the American Red Cross help them.
both cause church community cure excellent finding fulfill help looking months number opportunity project relay school service volunteers youth
Melinda Schwartz We are looking for volunteers to help in a number of areas, both during the Relay and in the months before the event. This is an excellent opportunity for youth to fulfill a community service project for school and church as well as contributing to the cause of finding a cure for cancer.
grief harm cures
William Shakespeare None can cure their harms by wailing them.
bit diet inside kobe night pick players remind situation special stay steady team
Phil Jackson We remind our players that this is something that was a special night in a heated situation but it's not going to be a steady diet for us. The onus on Kobe is to stay inside the team offense. The onus on the players is to pick it up a little bit better.
almost aspect culture diet environment fail health lives notice speed takes toll work
Carl Honore We're so marinated in the culture of speed that we almost fail to notice the toll it takes on every aspect of our lives - on our health, our diet, our work, our relationships, the environment and our community.
diet nutrients proper protection showing studies
Maret Traber What this and other studies like it are showing is that the protection we get from proper diet or supplements often comes from combinations of nutrients working together. This has implications not only for smokers but also for many other people.
diet fast food healthy late maintain open tough
Mike Trout When we get in late and the only thing open is fast food, it can be tough to maintain a healthy diet.
assess audit becoming businesses diet energy evaluate families gas high home measures money prices problems save step
Rick Carter With the high prices of gas and energy in general, it is becoming more important for families and businesses to save money where they can. A home energy audit is the first step to assess your home's energy diet and to evaluate what measures can be made to make your home more energy efficient. An audit will show you problems that, when corrected, save significant amounts of money over time.
advertise diets food home improving industry parents pressure support
John Dunford We want to see more support for parents in improving children's diets at home and more pressure on the food industry to advertise responsibly.
people killing diets
Chelsea Cain There will be time to diet when people stopped killing one another.
cure diet report
Michael Specter There has never been a verified scientific report that chelation therapy, a gluten-free diet, or anything else can cure autism.
approved consumers contain dangers diet difficult experience fda origin people physicians pills problems products purchase side trace treat unknown
Steven Galson There are dangers to consumers who purchase diet pills that contain drugs of unknown origin and quality. These products are not approved by the FDA and if people experience side effects, it is difficult to trace problems and for physicians to treat them.
five four labor past report seen store weak weaker
Chris Wiegand We're going to get some weak numbers. The ISM report is going to be weak and that we're in store for a labor report that's weaker than what we've seen over the past four or five months.
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Art Larson We're going to examine this report and carry on a dialogue with this organization. But we feel that we have walked the walk in being a responsible and environmentally sensitive corporate citizen.
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Bruce Kasman What we're seeing in the report is clear signs that manufacturing has turned. And I think it's turned pretty sharply.
cash century change copies correct credit errors people relying report request spot
James Chessen What we're recommending is that people take out as much cash as they would need for a long weekend. And if you're relying on credit cards, request copies of your credit report before and after the century change so you can spot and correct any Y2K errors immediately.
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Todd Rethemeier What they reported this morning beat my expectations, but it's hard to overlook the slowing customer growth.
factual reporting
Joshua Micah Marshall When we are reporting the news, we make every effort to report it in as factual way as possible.
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Mark Jensen When we do catch things like this, it's our responsibility to report it. Hopefully, the kids can pull through and have a successful season still.
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Kristen Kinley When we have seen the fire reports increasing, we have recalled those vehicles and replaced those switches. Ford has used the basic switch design in a large number of vehicles and the risk of fire related to the switch is much different in those certain populations that we have recalled.
feedback further lack lots proximity reported seemed success
Bob Parker When we got feedback from other airports about how well their lots were working, there seemed to be a correlation between success and proximity to the terminal. Those airports which reported a lack of success had lots further from the terminal.