Adequately Quotations
Adequately Quotes from:
Act Quotes
The No Child Left Behind Act will be one of President Bush's enduring legacies. And it was engineered and inaugurated with a truly bipartisan coalition in Congress. Accountability, standards, and truly measuring student performance just makes sense. The only real debate about the law was and is whether or not it was adequately funded.
Bring Quotes
What has the federal government been doing all these years to prepare for a disaster striking a major American city, ... With all the bureaucratic federal agencies, super czars and homeland preparedness, there seems to be no national or regional master plan to evacuate people, bring in relief and adequately deal with a large scale emergency of this nature. Is there a plan in place for how to deal with the profiteers when the resettling and rebuilding begins? Is there a plan to freeze oil prices?
Act Quotes
The REAL ID Act would, among other things, permit immigration judges to deny asylum based solely on an applicant's demeanor, ... As health professionals who also do asylum evaluations, we fear that this is likely to lead immigration judges (who are not adequately trained in the symptoms of torture survivors) to deny asylum to those who need it most.
Bag Quotes
We have a really serious problem on our hands, and TV has made it so much worse. CSI is fun to watch and entertaining. But, more and more, jury members believe that police and scientists work every case with this huge bag of tricks, and if they don't, the victim and jurors feel the case has not been adequately investigated.
Baghdad Quotes
I am grateful in a way that can never be adequately expressed in words. To the British soldiers who risked their lives to rescue us, to the government of Canada who sent a team to Baghdad to help secure our release, to all those who thought about us and prayed for us, for all those who spoke for us when we had no voice, I am forever and truly grateful. It's great to be alive.
Abysmal Quotes
Given the abysmal failure of state and local officials in Louisiana to plan adequately for or respond to the effects of Hurricane Katrina on the city of New Orleans, and given the long history of public corruption in Louisiana, ... I am not confident that Louisiana officials can be trusted to administer federal relief aid.
Airmen Quotes
Had we not had these soldiers and airmen deployed and they participated in the relief efforts of a storm of this magnitude, we would have had to have outside help anyway. I don't believe there is a state in this county that could have conducted hurricane relief efforts on this scale to adequately respond without help from other states.
County Quotes
It is our feeling at the foundation that the (agency) has not adequately looked at the I-5 alternatives. Our goal is to present alternatives that could prevent the destruction of the park and solve the transportation issues confronting Orange County and northeastern San Diego County now and in the future.
Attribute Quotes
When you have an 1986 or 1997, there are a couple of characteristics that are really important. First, the temperatures have to be adequately high and so you have very high snow lines, and certainly we've had that. Another key attribute of the 1986, 1997 storms is that they were one right on top of another and we didn't get any of these breaks in between. That is why we are not anticipating the same level of problems. (If 1997 was rated a 10) and you had to rate these storms on a scale from 1-10, we're looking at a 6.
Alleged Quotes
We alleged that the Rocker Defendants paid for and edited false and libelous reports from Gradient, pre-positioning themselves to profit from the expected downturn in Overstock's share price. We do not believe the legislature of California, in passing the Anti-SLAPP statute, had in mind protecting libelous speech -- bought and paid for by those who stood to profit handsomely from this type of activity. We believe the case law is on our side and are confident we have adequately answered the motions to move this case forward.
Cell Quotes
Women can die from egg harvesting, or suffer irreversible infertility, and the long term effects of the drugs which are used in the process are still being questioned. None of these issues has been adequately addressed by the stem cell scientists eager to get their hands on women's eggs and ovaries. And all for scientific research which still remains in the realm of hypothetical benefit.
Congress Quotes
Conservatives throughout the United States are increasingly losing faith in the president and the Republican leadership in Congress to adequately prioritize and rein in overall federal spending, American taxpayers have witnessed the largest spending increase under any preceding president and Congress since the Great Depression.
Access Quotes
The tragedy of these incidents must act as a stimulus for the industry to review its procedures, making sure that vehicle risks are properly controlled. Wherever possible, pedestrians and vehicles should be segregated, paying special attention to transfer stations and sorting areas. Street collection activities need to address the risks to collection staff and other road and pavement users. Using reversing aids such as mirrors, CCTV, detectors, and beacons do reduce the risks. In most public access areas, you will usually need to provide reversing assistants, their job being to help the driver and prevent or warn pedestrians entering maneuvering areas when the risks cannot be controlled adequately by other means.
Abstract Quotes
Proxies should be competent, adequately informed, emotionally stable and committed to your interests. They're expected to decide as if they were you -- that is, based on their best knowledge of your values and your beliefs and not based on their own values and beliefs or some kind of abstract best interest.
Accelerate Quotes
Delta smelt are on a rapid trajectory toward extinction and clearly need increased federal protections. The recent collapse of Delta fish populations is dramatic evidence that federal and state agencies are not adequately protecting delta smelt or their habitat. Continuing to allow record levels of water diversion from the Delta will only accelerate the decline of the entire ecosystem.
Address Quotes
As a state-owned entity with inadequate money laundering and terrorist financing controls, the Commercial Bank of Syria poses a significant risk of being used to further the Syrian Government's continuing support for international terrorist groups. The serious risks posed by CBS have not been adequately mitigated by the Syrian Government's limited efforts to address deficiencies in Syria's financial system.
Dangerous Quotes
As a congressman, I've never called for a ban. We've called for a full disclosure of the risks involved... Patients have a right to know that this is a very powerful and dangerous drug, and knowing all that, if they still wish to take it, then they can. But we know doctors are not adequately explaining it to the patients, pharmacists are not adequately discussing this with the person who picks up the prescription.
Argument Quotes
This is an issue that we're all wrestling with. I've been persuaded by the argument that closing the Saunderstown station is a bad idea. If we just take the existing station we have, adequately staff it, find a way to get a truck down there, then that's probably what we have to do in the near term and probably what the growth pattern demands in the long term.
Cause Quotes
This is a tragedy of monumental proportions for the victim, his family, friends and the good people involved at EAGLE III. We can't adequately express to you how deeply saddened we are by all of this. Our prayers go out to the family of the pilot on board. It is the commitment of EAGLE III that we do everything in our power to find the cause and make certain that this never repeats.