Admitted Quotations
Admitted Quotes from:
- Ilham Patu
- Charles Ruff
- Penny Circle
- Trish Hill
- Adam Rayner
- Alan Davidson
- Alexei Yashin
- Andrea Phillips
- Andy Johnson
- Angela Bryant
- Angus Campbell
- Anthony Crescenzi
- Antoine Lavoisier
- Arnold Schwarzenegger
- Augustus Baldwin Longstreet
- Ben Howland
- Benjamin Brafman
- Benjamin Rush
- Benjamin Tucker
- Bertrand Russel
Client Quotes
Following the end of the Cold War, there was much discussion concerning the point of NATO. In the event, it was reinvented as a means of reducing Russia's reach on its western frontiers and seeking to isolate it. Its former East European client states were admitted to NATO, as were the Baltic states.
Beds Quotes
The poor had to deal with charity hospitals. If admitted to these institutions, they were housed and fed, but they also shared beds and germs with all the other diseased patients in their wards, and often received little medical help; if they were refused admission, they suffered and died in the streets.
Call Quotes
So many patients today are nursing home patients, they have what we call multiple diagnoses. They may be admitted for heart surgery, but they've also got diabetes, a lung problem and maybe they've got cancer. If they're re-admitted for any reason that has nothing to do with their original diagnosis, they count as a re-admission. Patients are so incredibly complex.
Believe Quotes
I don't believe my brother did it and if he did, I believe he would've broken down by now. He would have admitted it to me. I don't think Donnie could hold something like that in. I've given Donnie several opportunities to tell me, and it's not even a question to me - he didn't do it.
Age Quotes
From age 16 on, I found school boring and failed A-level Physics at my first attempt. This was necessary for university entrance, and so I stayed an extra year to repeat it. This time, I did splendidly and was admitted to Sheffield University, my first choice because of their excellent Chemistry Department.
Against Quotes
If the divorced are remarried civilly, they find themselves in a situation that objectively contravenes God's law. Consequently, they cannot receive Holy Communion as long as this situation persists. This norm is not at all a punishment or a discrimination against the divorced and remarried, but rather expresses an objective situation that of itself renders impossible the reception of Holy Communion: '. . . If these people were admitted to the Eucharist, the faithful would be led into error and confusion regarding the Church's teaching about the indissolubility of marriage'.
Mind Quotes
When they offered me 'Wayne's World 2,' they said: 'We were going to give this to another actor, then we thought we'd see you'. I just thought: 'Surely you always had me in mind for that just in the way that it's written?', but they never admitted it. It was a wonderful gig to do. Really special.
British Quotes
It is clear that if British lawyers resident in the U.K. cannot join the California Bar, they are more likely to direct clients to parts of the U.S. with which they are familiar -- that is, where they have been admitted to practice (e.g., New York, Virginia, Washington state or Oregon),
Budget Quotes
I think what it shows is that there is a White House that has run out of steam, whether it's ethical issues or Katrina or Iraq or the budget deficit, high gas prices. They are at a real turning point. Thus far, they've admitted no mistakes at all. And That's not a good sign or a good attitude.
Average Quotes
Lawmakers must not forget their oaths and disregard the administration's infringement of average Americans' constitutional rights. The White House has repeatedly admitted to the use of warrant-less wiretaps and has yet to be held accountable. Checks and balances on presidential power are essential to protect the rights of Americans.
Affected Quotes
Last week Mr. Ozawa returned to Japan and was admitted to a hospital for treatment of a bronchial infection and a shingles infection that has affected one of his eyes. Mr. Ozawa has been released from the hospital and is currently at home in Japan, following his doctor's instructions to take a period of several months' rest.
Caused Quotes
I think he's very upset with the injury that he caused to Jeff White but I think everyone's openly admitted it was an accident, and he had no intention at all to cause any damage to Jeff White. Probably the whole week now has got to be focused on him being able to go and play that competitive style of footy again, because he is upset about it,
Account Quotes
Whoever is admitted or sought for, in company, upon any other account than that of his merit and manners, is never respected there, but only made use of. We will have such-a-one, for he sings prettily; we will invite such-a-one to a ball, for he dances well; we will have such-a-one at supper, for he is always joking and laughing; we will ask another because he plays deep at all games, or because he can drink a great deal. These are all vilifying distinctions, mortifying preferences, and exclude all ideas of esteem and regard. Whoever is had (as it is called) in company for the sake of any one thing singly, is singly that thing, and will never be considered in any other light; consequently never respected, let his merits be what they will.
Absence Quotes
Whether you think their witnesses are credible or non-credible ... they've admitted monopoly power, they've admitted the absence of competitive constraints, they've admitted raising prices to hurt consumers, they've admitted depriving consumers of choice and they've admitted that the reason that they did that was because they were afraid that consumers would in their view make the wrong choice, which is the non-Microsoft choice,
Bubble Quotes
Usually when the public gets admitted to something, it's the end of the bubble. The exponential growth in private equity and hedge funds in the last decade is mind-boggling. There's a bubble here that's going to bust. There's too much money. That's true in venture capital and it's true of hedge funds as well.
Almost Quotes
The police orchestrated a press conference starring Amber Frey (Peterson's admitted lover) that was carried live on television in January, almost four full months before Scott was even arrested let alone arraigned in this matter. Before the current defense team was in place, Modesto police had held at least six televised press conferences.
Actress Quotes
The delightful sense of importance that had been mine as a child actress was taken out of me. It seemed as if anyone could do better than I did. In every part I was worse than in the one before, and even my mother admitted that it would be a mercy if gestures could be dispensed with entirely.
Actions Quotes
The player admitted what he had done was wrong and I took this, together with his previously exemplary conduct, into account. However, it is important to show that dissent of any sort at an umpire's decision is unacceptable and the player's punishment for his actions illustrates that fact.