Agencies Quotations
Agencies Quotes from:
Central Quotes
Debt, we've learned, is the match that lights the fire of every crisis. Every crisis has its own set of villains - pick your favorite: bankers, regulators, central bankers, politicians, overzealous consumers, credit rating agencies - but all require one similar ingredient to create a true crisis: too much leverage.
Charged Quotes
With respect to sticking accelerator pedals, we failed to connect the dots between problems in Europe and problems in the United States because the European situation related primarily to right-hand-drive vehicles. Toyota will increase its outreach to government agencies charged with protecting the safety of motorists and passengers.
Areas Quotes
The Bush administration actually started out with an open mind towards Iran, by all indications. In fact, early in the administration, the White House tasked the various agencies of government to do an inter-agency review of Iran policy, as it did with Iraq policy and most of the big areas of the world.
Accessible Quotes
We will continue to work with agencies across the government to unleash the power of open data and to make government data more accessible and usable for entrepreneurs, companies, researchers, and citizens everywhere - innovators who can leverage these resources to benefit Americans in a rapidly growing array of exciting and powerful ways.
Bounds Quotes
The reality of split government puts a premium on creativity within the administration. President Obama needs to put the right people in charge of the agencies and then have them push the bounds of administrative power to change policy through those agencies. President Obama has a pretty good track record of this.
Audiences Quotes
Messengers of Peace such as Midori - and our Goodwill Ambassadors, who work directly with the UN agencies - are dedicated and well-informed and credible advocates on behalf of the United Nations. They help us educate audiences worldwide and rally support on key issues of the United Nations.
Considered Quotes
We're in preliminary discussions already with the administration on when that money will be needed, when will it be considered by the Senate, when the request will be submitted, ... These are issues that we are working hard to resolve to be sure that federal agencies, agencies that have the responsibility of responding to this disaster, have the funds they need to do it and do it right and to do it quickly.
Activities Quotes
We found that 70 percent of these activities are still in progress, ... Yet even with the additional weight placed on these criteria, more than half of the 24 departments and agencies earned 'A's' this quarter. Just as you would not grade college seniors on the same set of criteria expected of college juniors, our expectations for this quarter rose.
Across Quotes
We're extremely gratified at the increased funding for energy assistance that has been generated this year through emergency state and federal efforts, as well as generous individual and corporate donors. Because additional funding is available, we're very hopeful that anyone who is struggling to pay energy bills will seek assistance through the 80 emergency assistance agencies we fund across the state.
Available Quotes
We want to talk about outcomes for the people who benefit from the United Way and how just a few dollars out of a person's pay can help improve the community. We have spent a lot of time here talking about improving our campus and building new buildings, but we can't lose sight of the fact that every community needs a safety net nonprofit agencies that support the needs of the people who live there. There are numerous United Way agencies around our campus, and one way to ensure that East Baltimore's safety net is both available and thriving is to invest in the United Way.
Activity Quotes
What I can tell you is that the Defense Department does have legitimate interests in protecting its installations, in protecting its people, and to the extent that they use information collected by law enforcement agencies to do that, that's an appropriate activity of the United States military.
Areas Quotes
There are many different pieces of this giant puzzle that need to come together. The pieces that must come together include installation of ticket terminals, training retailers, testing software applications and so much more. There are many people working very hard behind the scenes in such areas as administration, finance, sales and computers to help raise money for education and make this historical event happen. In addition, numerous state agencies are providing assistance to us, as necessary.
Bona Quotes
Like everybody else, we have heightened concern about who we release information to. We will provide information on hazardous shipments to emergency responders and bona fide public agencies that have a need to know, and we are cooperating and coordinating with emergency response, safety and security agencies more closely than ever now.
Although Quotes
Lee-Jackson Day does not receive equal treatment in Virginia with Martin Luther King Jr. Day. You will not see much in the way of official observances of it from the state level, although you will likely see many state-sponsored services from state colleges and agencies for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. You will see most of your local banks open on Friday, but they will be closed Monday.
Adult Quotes
Less than nine months after emerging on the national business information/publishing scene, we are proud to be able to bring a totally new and comprehensive resource to industry professionals serving adults and senior citizens. The National Directory of Adult & Senior Services is chock-full of listings and contact information for government and non-governmental organizations and agencies that exist solely to help and serve the needs of adult and senior patrons.
Best Quotes
Search engines need to better educate marketers and provide greater transparency into their methods. If they say that a certain percentage of clicks are fraudulent or if they offer a refund to marketers on some clicks, the engines will best serve marketers and agencies by being more open about how they come to such conclusions.
Act Quotes
OMB acknowledges that while reporting tools for the Federal Information Security Management Act and systems training remain solid, more work is needed in security product & systems evaluation and response initiatives. In addition, more focus will be placed on how agencies identify and manage risk.
Airport Quotes
Since 9/11, and because of the terrorist threat, there's always a concern that explosives could end up at an airport. Having the dogs trained and ready at the airport gives us a higher level of security and keeps us from relying on other agencies to provide that type of service to our passengers.