Angels Quotations
Angels Quotes from:
Chains Quotes
I have many deep thoughts in God, but I take my own measure, lest I perish by boasting... For I myself, though I am in chains and can comprehend heavenly things, the ranks of the angels and the hierarchy of principalities, things visible and invisible, for all this I am not yet a disciple.
Age Quotes
The way a woman or a man handles themselves, at a certain age I can't blame you for the way you act, because somebody didn't bring you up right, and the betterment is why I have a foundation titled Angels and Hearts. That's why I have Trey's Angels: to let women know that they are angels.
Arise Quotes
I am not the first Buddha who came upon Earth, nor shall I be the last. In due time, another Buddha will arise in the world - a Holy One, a supremely enlightened One, endowed with wisdom in conduct, auspicious, knowing the universe, an incomparable leader of men, a master of angels and mortals.
Advantage Quotes
I think we've earned what we got. To take away that advantage wouldn't be fair. If it was the other way around, I'm sure the Yankees or the Angels would feel the same way we do. It's just part of the road, you have to take to get where you have to go. Sometimes it's a little tougher for some than for others.
Advice Quotes
Life sends you angels sometimes when you're in need and, in my theory, it's usually never the people you expect to be there. They are often gone the people that appear with a piece of advice or something they want to give to you to help you through are generally surprising people and I wanted Kirsten's character to be that.
Against Quotes
I wear it every day because I like the colors, ... If you've noticed, we're always playing against red. We played against Cleveland, then we played against Boston, then we played against the Angels . That's all red. That's why I'm wearing red. The National League teams are a couple of reds, too. That's why I wear it.
Advertising Quotes
The acquisition of Radio 830 KMXE provides a new opportunity to bring play-by-play commentary and Angels game coverage to a large audience of Hispanic Major League Baseball fans. Once the transaction is complete the station's sports broadcast line-up will be expanded to a bilingual format, providing Hispanic sports enthusiasts with access to exciting regional, national and international sporting events. It will also provide an opportunity for advertisers to reach an audience with a buying power of more than $105 billion.
Basically Quotes
The Angels basically told me there's not a job to win. The team is moving on without Tim Salmon. I understand it. I don't blame them. I look around and, yeah, I'd like to think I fit into their plans, but from their standpoint, I'm probably not the first guy they're going to plug in.
Amount Quotes
Both of us had a desire to manage back then. Guys who have trained themselves properly, gone to the minor leagues and managed and paid their dues coaching for a considerable amount of time and have a great understanding of the game in all aspects. Getting interviewed as much as both of us had been, you always get that feeling that this is never going to happen. I applaud the Devil Rays for giving him an opportunity to go out there and do it. His background is comparable to anybody's. He had the interim job with the Angels a few times and did a fine job.
Clear Quotes
As I look at Intel's product lineup versus AMD, it's clear that Intel is weakest in servers and strongest in notebooks. So from that standpoint I can see why Intel would want to create an impression that says they are closing that gap. It's kind of like how many angels can you fit on the head of a pin?
Ascend Quotes
The bread which is taken, blessed, broken and shared out, is Christ, who is that ladder linking heaven and earth and on which angels ascend and descend. The place in which we celebrate becomes our Bethlehem, a house of bread in which we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, the living and the departed.
Against Quotes
They get men on base, they can run, and if you look at the formula, it's the same thing that Minnesota and the Angels have used to win ballgames. I don't see a soft spot; if you're ever going to get them, it's going to be their pitching, and we haven't had success against their pitching.
Against Quotes
They get men on base, they can run, ... And if you look at the formula, it's the same that Minnesota has used to win ballgames, and the Angels have used. They play good defense. Their outfielders overlap. If you're ever going to get them, it's going to be their pitching, and we haven't had success against their pitching. ... Are they in our heads? How can I say no, when you haven't had success against certain pitchers and you face them?
Ahead Quotes
It's a long road ahead of us. We know we have to sweep them to get back into this thing, ... We have four games to get it done. We were in the reverse role last year. We were up three with nine games to play and the Angels overcame that and went to the playoffs. Hopefully we can do the same.