Assertion Quotations
Assertion Quotes from:
- Robert Ekstrand
- Bell Hooks
- Charles Dickens
- Dave Borison
- David Henderson
- Dwight D Eisenhower
- Eliot Cohen
- Elliott Abrams
- George Bernard Shaw
- George Dennison Prentice
- Henry Reichard
- Ian Shepherdson
- James Taranto
- Jennifer Grant
- John Bolton
- John F Kerry
- John Galbraith
- John Newman
- John Prendergast
- John Roberts
Altered Quotes
Certainly the highest posthumous praise that can be conferred upon any writer is the assertion that his or her writing permanently altered the literary landscape for the better, opening new textual doors and engaging new readers. That the author's oeuvre was essential and irreplaceable and transformative.
Ambiguity Quotes
One is the pin the blame on the media with the references to the tabloid spectacle, ... One is the assertion of full cooperation with the police. One is the carving of a moat around his private life. And one is the use of constructive ambiguity with references to not being perfect but with no explanation for what those imperfections are.
Amount Quotes
We disagree with a significant amount of the information contained in the investor presentation that you have disclosed on your website. In particular, we disagree with your assertion that Constellation, or any other buyer for that matter, would be able to realize synergies of up to $150 million. In our view, the so-called synergies that you have outlined are completely unrealistic.
Apparently Quotes
The FBI was asked apparently on 16 prior occasions to produce every witness statement in connection with the bombing investigation and apparently on 16 separate occasions they failed. Based upon that, I have no confidence whatsoever in any assertion they might make at this point that everything has been produced.
Abroad Quotes
Howard Dean's assertion that we should leave our troops stationed in hostile territory abroad without providing the resources they need to be safe is irresponsible. First, he said he would support the $87 billion for our troops in Iraq. Then he said he wouldn't politicize the issue. Now he has reneged on both,