Atheists Quotations
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There are no atheists in foxholes, they say, and I was a foxhole atheist for a long time. But after going through a midlife crisis and having many things change very quickly, it made me realize my mortality. And when you start to think about death, you start to think about what's after it. And then you start hoping there is a God.
Agnostic Quotes
I can't gather around and talk about how much everybody in the room doesn't believe in God. I just don't - I don't have the energy for that, and so I... Agnostic separates me from the conduct of atheists whether or not there is strong overlap between the two categories, and at the end of the day I'd rather not be any category at all.
Against Quotes
People who agree with the Boy Scouts - they can do that. And they can take the fork in the road that goes down toward being a strictly private organization. Why can't one of these clubs that discriminate against women or gays or atheists be a club? But don't expect to have your meetings on government property, for instance. That's the distinction here.
Among Quotes
In Japan, the people preserve their temples for their exquisite beauty, and there are a great many sincere Buddhists; but China is irreligious: a nation of atheists or agnostics, or slaves of impious superstitions. In an extended tramp among temples, I have not seen a single male worshiper or a thing to please the eye.