Attorney Quotations
Attorney Quotes from:
Best Quotes
The resignation of Attorney General Eric Holder is met with both pride and disappointment by the Civil Rights community. We are proud that he has been the best Attorney General on Civil Rights in U.S. history and disappointed because he leaves at a critical time when we need his continued diligence most.
Along Quotes
I sit here as the first African-American attorney general, serving the first African-American President of the United States. And that has to show that we have made a great deal of progress. But there's still more we have to travel along this road so we get to the place that is consistent with our founding ideals.
Civil Quotes
I explained to the president that I've been pleased with my conversations with the Attorney General and Civil Rights Division regarding their helpful understanding that they aren't taking over this investigation, but are conducting a parallel review of the events that led to Michael Brown's death.
Act Quotes
We stand with Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan in this lawsuit, ... The Illinois Commerce Commission does not have the legal authority to order a power auction with unlimited rate hikes as the outcome. The ICC should tell Ameren and ComEd to take their auction proposal to Springfield for review by the General Assembly, which approved a Public Utilities Act that clearly gives Illinois regulators final say over electricity rates.
Actual Quotes
We hope we will have for the first time actual documents of testimony from the tobacco industry that would demonstrate that the allegations that have been made by the 22 state attorney generals is in fact true, and will be major evidence in the many trials that are ongoing around this country.
Agent Quotes
We have sold a lot of the legal forms over the years. We had a friend who was a real estate agent and she told us which forms we would need to have, and she was right. People always liked that they could just buy one or two forms. You can't get those at the bigger stores -- they make you buy 25. What does somebody need with 25 power of attorney papers?
Assure Quotes
We have immediately sent a letter to Attorney General Janet Reno and to the White House, requesting that the attorney general review and reverse this decision; that the attorney general review the process under which it was determined; and that the attorney general and the White House assure Elian Gonzalez of due process of law.
Behalf Quotes
Mr. Spitzer has redefined the office of Attorney General. He has consistently supported working families, while also showing no fear in taking on Wall Street moguls and other big shots. He has fought hard on behalf of exploited workers and consumers. We firmly believe there is no better choice to lead New York State than Eliot Spitzer.
Asked Quotes
One of the things that Sara Jane was asked in court yesterday by Deputy District Attorney Eleanor Hunter was, 'Are you pleading guilty because you are in truth and in fact guilty and do you stipulate that there is a factual basis for the guilty plea?' to which she replied, 'Yes.' In light of what she said after walking out of court, we can only assume she was lying to the judge, or lying to the press to save face. The judge is obviously concerned.
Admit Quotes
One example of this is the unbridled attacks by some of the media on the majority ruling of Cohen's disciplinary court. The criticism included inferences that ties of friendship between one of the judges and the judge's attorney shaped the outcome of the hearing; that the judges ought to admit their error in public; and that the ruling was ridiculous, distorted and revolting. This isn't criticism. This is attacking for its own sake,
Bad Quotes
Richmond County District Attorney Danny Craig said in the motions hearing,that but for the Gwinnett County case, they would not have had probable cause to indict him. If he's correct, and I have no reason to doubt the D.A. of Richmond County, then I don't think that will substantiate a prior bad act. It would render it inadmissible in the Gwinnett County case.
Billion Quotes
Pharmaceutical companies spend more than $12 billion per year marketing their products in the U.S. That's more than is spent on all medical education in this nation as a whole. Combined, programs funded by the attorney general grants will help consumers better distinguish between promotional messages and education messages.
Agency Quotes
I don't know whether the Attorney General was responding to a question in a news conference, but that's the reason that Homeland Security is the agency that the President has designated to communicate changes in the threat level. And Secretary Ridge addressed that subsequently. I think it goes to show that there's different voices, and, as we have created the Department, we tried to bring that together so there's one focal point of communication as to the threats that we face and how the public is supposed to respond to it, and that's Homeland Security.
Assistant Quotes
I am concerned about information I have received indicating that President Bush, himself may have supplanted the role of veteran career litigators at the Department of Justice, ... As a result, I am particularly interested in learning about what role, if any, Phil Perry, associate attorney general and Vice President Cheney's son-in-law; Alberto Gonzales, assistant to the president and White House counsel; and Larry Lindsey, assistant to the president for economic policy and director, National Economic Council, played in this decision.