Behavioral Quotations
Behavioral Quotes from:
Breadth Quotes
It is time to create new social science departments that reflect the breadth and complexity of the problems we face as well as the novelty of 21st-century science. These would include departments of biosocial science, network science, neuroeconomics, behavioral genetics and computational social science.
Actual Quotes
Within childhood behaviors, there are known behaviors; there's teasing and there's name-calling, and different kinds of things happen as kids start to socialize. And then there's serious bullying, and then there's actual aggression and behavioral problems. But you can't put it all under the tent of bullying.
Areas Quotes
A new laboratory technique, positron emission tomography, uses radioactively labeled oxygen or glucose that essentially lights up specific and different areas of the brain being activated when a person speaks words or sees words or hears words, revealing the organic location for areas of behavioral malfunction.
Beliefs Quotes
My methods produce lasting behavioral change without unpleasant consequences, because the change does not come from an effort of will. It comes from examining your deep-rooted beliefs of who you are and how the world functions. As you examine these beliefs and make changes in them, you literally become a different person.
Address Quotes
Much has changed since the automotive industry first tapped the Internet as a way to reach consumers 10 years ago. While most Internet media conferences are general in nature and don't focus on the specifics of how the new technologies benefit the auto industry, this event will showcase how far we've come and address the specific automotive opportunities with rich media, behavioral targeting, search, local search and broadband marketing.
Acts Quotes
Obsessions are repetitive thoughts which resemble worry and are accompanied by anxiety. Compulsions are behavioral acts designed to eliminate the obsessions. And sometimes if your mind becomes so cluttered with obsessions, and your day so filled with compulsions, life as you know becomes completely taken over by anxiety and counterproductive rituals.
Approach Quotes
Our behavioral approach is repeatedly validated by its detection and mitigation of day-zero threats like this one. Even if a patch were available, IT administrators will be hesitant to implement it immediately, given the recent history of untested Microsoft patches bringing down networks. So IT has to decide between implementing untested patches, and letting the patch age, putting users' machines and thus the network's security in jeopardy.
Asked Quotes
Some of our kids are literally sleep-walking through life, with some potentially serious consequences. As clinicians and researchers, we know more now than ever about the biological and behavioral issues that prevent kids from getting enough sleep. But the National Sleep Foundation did something powerful: They asked teens themselves about their sleep. The results are startling and should be a wake-up call to any parent or pediatrician.
Assured Quotes
We recognize that employers have varied behavioral care needs. Our Custom Network Solutions enables employers to create the benefit design plan that works best for their employees, reducing costs without limiting member choice. And, regardless of the option selected, employers are assured that the network is managed to the highest standards of quality and efficiency using evidence- based treatment protocols.
Balanced Quotes
Traditional signature-based security products can't stop zero-day attacks. Our research shows that while 99% of corporations have deployed anti-virus software, nearly two-thirds (64%) nonetheless suffered virus or worm outbreaks that disrupted at least one business unit. Behavioral security solutions are an increasingly important part of a balanced security program.
Achieved Quotes
There appears to be a tremendous void in the business in thinking beyond the constraints of directed search. The industry is focused on things like behavioral advertising and the impact of next generation ad models. It appears in that process we're leaving behind the cumulative information and the cumulative understandings that can be achieved by pulling the entire knowledge base together.
Additional Quotes
As is our normal practice for security bulletins, we document the existence of any additional defense in depth product behavioral changes, as well as the area of functionality where the change occurred so that customers can assess the impact to their environments. However, providing more detail on internal product changes could serve to aid attackers.
Arguably Quotes
Of the more than 5,500 mammals living today, dogs are arguably the most remarkable. The incredible physical and behavioral diversity of dogs -- from Chihuahuas to Great Danes -- is encoded in their genomes. It can uniquely help us understand embryonic development, neurobiology, human disease and the basis of evolution.
Agreement Quotes
After years of working with multiple software vendors in this industry, we're excited about this opportunity to sign an exclusive agreement with a long-standing and financially secure partner with a diverse range of customers nationwide. This partnership links us with a leader in enterprise behavioral healthcare software.
Amount Quotes
There's been this long-held notion that there's an infinite amount of inventory online. While that may or may not be true, we've found that there is definitely a finite amount of relevant, quality inventory. Smart marketers understand the value of behavioral targeting, but the challenge has been to make it work at scale.
Adviser Quotes
Everyone recognizes that investors need to know certain key facts and concepts, but it is important that they learn the behavioral process of investing -- such as checking the background of a stockbroker or investment adviser -- that may prove to be just as critical to their success in the long run.
Economy And Economics Quotes
Behavioral economics tells us that when people say they can't afford life insurance, even when they admit they don't have enough, there's more to it than a straight budget calculation. The negative feelings of 'losing' the premium for more insurance are often a lot stronger than the positive feelings of buying the needed protection.
Becomes Quotes
Hospitals can spend millions of dollars a year manually collecting quality data and then still be unable to use it to change the way they do things. Our tools really can help drive required behavioral change by not only making guidelines and policies accessible, but also providing transparent data and ongoing feedback to understand behaviors, obstacles and outcomes. This ultimately helps the clinician, because the right thing to do becomes the easiest thing to do.
Best Quotes
I am not prepared to comment because it is a confidential matter. Any league officials who are sources for this ought to be fired. Ricky Williams has been in the best behavioral mode I have ever seen him in. I think it's important that no one rushes to judgment or jumps the gun on any reactions.
Agenda Quotes
Health care doesn't rise up very high on the agenda on a lot of poor countries, ... I think there are some countries with AIDS epidemics that haven't stepped up to get the message out on the behavioral change, or stepped up to get infrastructure for treatment ?. And where you have a lack of priority and lack of funding, it just breaks down.