Beliefs Quotations
Beliefs Quotes from:
Advantage Quotes
My own beliefs are that the road to a scientific discovery is seldom direct and that it does not necessarily require great expertise. In fact, I am convinced that often a newcomer to a field has a great advantage because he is ignorant and does not know all the complicated reasons why a particular experiment should not be attempted.
Amplify Quotes
I want to poke holes in the erroneous beliefs about what fame provides. It won't raise your self-esteem, it won't create profound connection, it's not going to heal your childhood traumas, it's only going to amplify them. You're going to be subject to a lot of criticism and praise, both of which are violent in their own ways.
Aunt Quotes
Something in the human psyche confuses beauty with the right to be loved. The briefest glance at human folly reveals that good looks and worthiness operate independently. Yet countless socializing forces, from Aunt Clara to the latest perfume ad, reinforce beliefs like 'If I were pretty enough, I would be loved.'
Behavioral Quotes
My methods produce lasting behavioral change without unpleasant consequences, because the change does not come from an effort of will. It comes from examining your deep-rooted beliefs of who you are and how the world functions. As you examine these beliefs and make changes in them, you literally become a different person.
Catholic Quotes
I disagree with a couple of the stances of the Catholic Church. My older brother is gay, and it's important for me to be able to love him completely and freely, and it's important for me to spread beliefs in the world that are not going to limit people in their love. I can't support a religion that doesn't support my brother.
Basically Quotes
I like to go after the foibles, basically of beliefs that are held without question. If people still want to believe in their stuff after that, that's great - as long as they just have a chance to step back and look at it for a second. Sometimes, you don't even realize what you've been thinking for 20 years.
Abandon Quotes
Our ideas about love and attractiveness are so primal, our need for belonging so intense, that most of us are loath to abandon our favorite beliefs on these issues. If you've ever let yourself feel lovable and lovely, only to be deeply hurt, you may see accepting your own body as a setup for severe emotional wounding.
Bell Quotes
Most of us cluster somewhere in the middle of most statistical distributions. But there are lots of bell curves, and pretty much everyone is on a tail of at least one of them. We may collect strange memorabilia or read esoteric books, hold unusual religious beliefs or wear odd-sized shoes, suffer rare diseases or enjoy obscure movies.
Biggest Quotes
One of our biggest risks is to hand over our brand name to a company or owner and hope they carry the torch, ... Our customers look at us as a chain ? as if we had complete control of hiring, firing and standards ? all things that make a brand. (Superior Air) was an easy fit in that their attitudes, beliefs system and values are equal to what we believe.
Absolutely Quotes
I find it comical that people who live from paycheck to paycheck laugh at me when I mention an angel named Zabar, my guardian angel. I find it absolutely amazing that a person can say their life is boring and that they're unhappy. Then make fun of my beliefs when I have lived a charmed life for almost 70 years and cannot remember wanting or needing anything in vain.
Church Quotes
He talks of relativism ... the smorgasbord of beliefs he sees unfolding, and he is concerned the church will be assimilated if there is not an effort to resist it. That effort may not fill up churches right away, or win popularity contests. ... I don't know if it's right or wrong, but it's the framework he's operating under.
Accord Quotes
He enforced Missouri's Brady bill, its gun registration bill, even though he wasn't crazy about the law. And with respect to abortion, he rendered opinions as attorney general that were contrary to his personal beliefs but which upheld Missouri law and were in accord with, in fact, the pro-choice position at that time, because it was the law,
Asian Quotes
Keating understood the power of tradition yet he loved to break the rules and create a new orthodoxy. That's what he did as treasurer saying, in effect, that Labor runs a market model with equity, and it worked. When he became PM, he tried to construct a new set of Labor beliefs based on Asian engagement, reconciliation and the republic. For Keating, these weren't just policies; they were the new Labor template handed down from the mount. The trouble, of course, was his inability to convert a lot of the public.
Attracted Quotes
I think the idea that Texas is going to somehow suffer because it's not becoming like Massachusetts is silly. Texas is attractive for many people for the reason that it is not like Northeastern states. Those kind of traditional moral beliefs that provide children with both a mom and a dad are the reason that people are attracted to Texas. If you destroy that image, it would hurt Texas.
Bottom Quotes
I think we have the common beliefs that you have to have a solid run game - you have to run the football to be effective. The bottom line on offense is when we step on the field, we have to maximize scoring opportunities and you've got too minimize mistakes. If we can, then we should be able to put points on the board.
Across Quotes
I think what (the survey) shows is, across the state, families of residents in nursing homes are happy, as a rule. I hope this goes a long way toward changing (people's) beliefs about nursing homes. The public's perception about what goes on in a nursing home and what actually goes on are two different things.
Attitudes Quotes
There is only one Education, and it has only one goal: the freedom of the mind. Anything that needs an adjective, be it civics education, or socialist education, or Christian education, or whatever-you-like education, is not education, and it has some different goal. The very existence of modified educations is testimony to the fact that their proponents cannot bring about what they want in a mind that is free. An education that cannot do its work in a free mind, and so must teach by homily and precept in the service of these feelings and attitudes and beliefs rather than those, is pure and unmistakable tyranny.
Attitudes Quotes
There is only one Education, and it has only one goal: the freedom of the mind. Anything that needs an adjective, be it civics education, or socialist education, or Christian education, or whatever-you-like education, is not education, and it has some different goal. The very existence of modified educations is testimony to the fact that their proponents cannot bring about what they want in a mind that is free. An education that cannot do its work in a free mind, and so must teach by homily and precept in the service of these feelings and attitudes and beliefs rather than those, is pure and unmistakable tyranny.
Affect Quotes
We find that people's beliefs about their efficacy affect the sorts of choices they make in very significant ways. In particular, it affects their levels of motivation and perseverance in the face of obstacles. Most success requires persistent effort, so low self-efficacy becomes a self-limiting process. In order to succeed, people need a sense of self-efficacy, strung together with resilience to meet the inevitable obstacles and inequities of life.