Bouncing Quotations
Bouncing Quotes from:
Across Quotes
The way it works for me is my sight and sound senses are combined. Every sound I associate with a color and every color I associate with a sound... The way I see things is constant streamers across the room, bouncing off from every touch and every sound. Over the years, I've learned what color palates I love most.
Artistic Quotes
For filmmakers who've made multiple movies, they have experience, but they only have experience of themselves as a filmmaker. Whereas I'm bouncing around from different skill sets: the organizational ability of Ridley Scott to the precision of a Ron Howard to the artistic sensibilities of a Peter Weir... to the scope of a Tom Hooper.
Basic Quotes
I've seen so many people - loved ones and colleagues - who jump from one diet to the next, one exercise regimen to the next . I was trying to figure out what were some of the basic things that each of us can build into a lifestyle for good, instead of bouncing from one thing to the next.
Behaving Quotes
No one I know has any real idea why voters are behaving the way they are this year-why the polls have been bouncing around, why Gore has been unable to capitalize on the state of the economy, why silly nonevents like kisses and appearances on Oprah seem to be having a real effect on who is going to be the next president.
Bad Quotes
Obviously the cell business is extremely hot in Europe and it's going to continue and it's going to grow in other parts of the world and I think a good supplier of that comes from Motorola ( MOT : Research , Estimates ) and again, the stock has absorbed a lot of negative news lately and it does seem to have made a bottom and it keeps bouncing off its lows. So that tells me that, you know, going forward things will change. We might encounter another quarter of bad news out of them but I think at these levels it should be bought.
Aggressive Quotes
Basically the top ten industries were those that are economically sensitive and are bouncing back from their deeply oversold condition last year as a result of lower interest rates. We do believe the Fed will remain aggressive with its easing interest rate policy but we feel the earnings are going to be pretty bad for the first quarter, so the market is likely to tread water for awhile.
Cars Quotes
I don't try to use them that much but when you enter a corner too fast they can be a help. The problem is that a driver can't rely on them. If temperatures aren't cold enough to freeze the snow properly, instead of bouncing off the banks, cars can be dragged into the snow or plough through them and off the road.
Approach Quotes
He makes his way around the clinic and we rarely see him run into things. He still goes in the lobby and hops on benches and greets people as they come in. He sits back and senses if he should approach when a dog comes in; he will make a judgment call. If it's a high-energy dog, bouncing around, he'll leave.
Best Quotes
He needed to pass 24 hours for the year to compete in January and he needed to take 15 hours this fall to do that. It's been a very interesting last couple of weeks ... because Radek was bouncing back and forth on whether he would come back. Finally, I had to make the decision and set a deadline to do what's best for the team, because one player is never more important than the team.
Days Quotes
He's going to have days like that. I've had them and I'm going to have some more. The thing that would be encouraging is him bouncing back and having one of those tremendous days where you say, 'That's the guy that we're used to seeing' and the guy we want to see. Those are the things you really want to encourage, instead of dwelling on some negatives.
Catching Quotes
He's gone so quickly through the system because of his maturity level. He's talented, and he made adjustments. I think he's still under the radar. He has tremendous drive, he loves to condition and he'd try things out. He was willing to take risks. At the Triple-A level, when hitters starting catching up to his fastball, he started using a change and a split. He's had adversity, and he keeps bouncing back. Setbacks only fuel his desire to get better.
Coming Quotes
There are a lot of positives -- Intel said some good things; Greenspan is saying that oil prices are a wild card, which we knew already, but that inflation is under control. But we're mixed, bouncing around today (Wednesday). You've got big names coming out in the next day and you need some of these giants to say tech is improving.
Adding Quotes
We want to create one of the greatest challenges for our golfers, for the best players in the world, that we can possibly create for The Players Championship. We have to return to its original intent, which was to play firm, fast and fair. In order to do that, we have to undertake a fairly Herculean project. We need the ball to be bouncing all over the place when it lands here. And that doesn't happen. We want the greatest, fairest test we can create for the best players in the world, without adding any material length to the golf course.
Afford Quotes
We just had too many mistakes. You could see it. Those guys lost their focus and the mistakes started to come. We talk all the time about maintaining our focus and finishing games. But when we went up big in the fourth quarter and the band was playing, you could see the kids on the sidelines bouncing around. We can't do that. We can't afford to lose focus out there.
Anyone Quotes
We were like a bouncing ball. We didn't really have any direction or management. We were trying to be organized from within. We didn't have anyone saying 'keep going with this' or anyone that was out promoting us with any effect. We were doing it ourselves and we were not getting anywhere. Trying to make our own little singles and what else can you do? We didn't have any kind of patrons.