Developer Quotations
Developer Quotes from:
Ability Quotes
We're excited by the level of innovation and ingenuity that all of the entrants demonstrated. The eBay Developer Challenge 2006 winners offer buyers and sellers the ability to access the eBay marketplace from wherever they might be, extending the eBay platform in ways previously unimagined. They are all great examples of how innovative developers and affiliates can create viable businesses using eBay Web Services while taking the eBay user experience to a whole new level.
Against Quotes
One of the major things the city does is to help through funding of Grow Greater Burlington. I would put Dennis Hinkle (vice president of economic development for the chamber) up against any economic developer in the state. ... He's done a great job, an outstanding job and that's the major way that the city takes on that role. He's full?time. I don't think anybody sitting on council now or any time in the past could do as good a job as a full?time economic development focus person.
Attracted Quotes
Ideas are mallable and unstable; they not only can be misused, they invite misuse---and the better the idea the more volatile it is. That's because only the better ideas turn into dogma, and it is by this process whereby a fresh, stimulating, humanly helpful idea is changed into robot dogma that is deadly. The problem starts at the secondary level, not with the originator or developer of the idea, but with the people who are attracted to it, until the last nail breaks, and who invariably lack the overview, flexibility, imagination, and, most importantly, sense of humor to maintain it in the spirit in which it was hatched. Ideas are made by masters, dogmas by disciples, and the Buddha is always killed on the road.
Bothering Quotes
But it would not necessarily be called for since they have performed. You can look at the situation now and look at the glass half-empty or half-full. Everybody needs to be comfortable with the deal, but the city has to let the developer follow its own path. It's been conveyed to the council previously that the clubhouse wouldn't proceed unless the hotel did. As of right now they're not bothering with the hotel until they can get the deed changed.
Against Quotes
IE 7 Beta 2 Preview is feature complete. It's a developer and technology enthusiast preview release. Up until now, we've been documenting the rendering and technical changes to IE 7, but people haven't had a way to test it against their sites unless they were in the beta program. IE 7 Beta 2 Preview is a safe release for early adopters, or anyone who has a business need to understand where we're going with IE.
Control Quotes
I was a developer for many years before my current role, but I've never been a very good gamer. I've never been able to control a first-person shooter, but as soon as I used the Revolution controller, I found it very easy to control the game. So, I think that's a genre that's particularly well suited for the controller.
Belief Quotes
It is interesting to note that all of the inaccuracies accrued in favor of the developer and presented a distorted picture of the site. It is our belief that a full investigation will bring other errors to light that will reflect unfavorably on the capability and/or integrity of Troy Burrell and Burrell Engineering.
Believe Quotes
PABP validation signals merchants that their POS systems are current with PCI compliance. We believe merchants want to buy secure systems, and we're taking steps to make our developer partners more competitive. When a PABP validated system is combined with a PCI-compliant payment processor such as Mercury, merchants get a secure swipe-to-settlement solution.
Ahead Quotes
PABP validation isn't yet a requirement by Visa, but we expect it will be sometime in 2006. Mercury is taking the lead with our developer partners to help them stay ahead of the curve as security standards continue to evolve. This 50 percent discount will help our developers overcome the cost barrier and do what's in everyone's best business interests.
Apartment Quotes
We are the only apartment developer who is doing anything in downtown Chicago. We are taking office buildings and converting to apartments, when everybody else is converting them to condos. We plan to be more and more and more downtown. Let everybody else sell their buildings for condos and we will be very happy.
Across Quotes
We have had lots of different conversations with people but now that the apartments are done it will help them with their vision of what the property could be. As other stuff comes around us, the parking lot to the south of us is being looked at by a developer and these buildings across the street are for sale, it's just a matter of time before this area transforms.
Adult Quotes
We need games like 'A Closed World' for many reasons. When you hear another developer talk about how games need to grow up, they need to tackle adult themes, and how they need to embrace that ability to transport the player into a different world, this is that game that they want other developers to make.
Benefit Quotes
With our 10g release, we focused on making the Oracle Database easier to install, deploy, and manage as well as easier for developers to use. Oracle SQL Developer offers database developers everything they need to productively tackle their coding and debugging tasks more effectively. Oracle Database customers will benefit in terms of both cost savings and increased developer productivity.
Choices Quotes
What moves me about...what's called that it comes from some mysterious deep place. I mean it can have something to do with the paper and the developer and all that stuff, but it comes mostly from some very deep choices somebody has made that take a long time and keep haunting them.
Decided Quotes
We don't think the residents of Cramer Hill should be forced out of their homes and that their homes should be taken by eminent domain. They had already selected the developer and decided on the proposal they would use before they had objectively evaluated the neighborhood and heard from the public.
Code Quotes
During the past year, the popular developer-friendly features of the Python open-source language have enabled growth of a dynamic community new to mobile development to write applications that are leveraging the potential of S60-based devices. Now, Nokia is extending its commitment to open-source software initiatives and hopes that its contribution of source code back to the Python developer community will drive further enthusiasm and innovations in the development of leading-edge open-source mobile solutions for the rapidly expanding smart-phone market worldwide.
Competing Quotes
There was a fine line of what the developer could live with in order to get permanent financing for the project. One of the things you worry about is you don't want to put something on your development that's a competing project with something else on your property. You also don't want to have an overlap of amenities.
Choice Quotes
Proprietary technology relegates you either to a niche or to the ditch. We're growing our market opportunity by steadfastly open sourcing the entirety of our software portfolio--from the Solaris OS to Java developer tools--and now we're taking the next step by open sourcing the world's most innovative microprocessor under the GPL. Giving our customers more choice and driving community innovation expands our economic opportunity and is forcing our competitors to sit up and take notice--we are back on offense.