Eaten Quotations
Eaten Quotes from:
Book Quotes
There aren't many great passages written about food, but I love one by George Millar, who worked for the SOE in the second world war and wrote a book called 'Horned Pigeon.' He had been on the run and hadn't eaten for a week, and his description of the cheese fondue he smells in the peasant kitchen of a house in eastern France is unbelievable.
Along Quotes
My healthiest habit is eating a healthy breakfast every morning. I never miss breakfast. As a busy mom, there will be days when I'm cruisin' along and I'll look at the clock and I haven't eaten lunch. And I'll run downstairs, and I'll start shovelin' stuff down the pie hole, and I'll think, 'That was no lunch at all.'
Best Quotes
Before every show, I would call my mother and say, 'Mummy, I don't know how I will sing today.' But that would change as soon as I went on stage and would merge with my music. She is my best ally, and I don't want to lose her. Nobody other than her would be concerned if I had eaten or had oiled my hair. She is my queen.
Body Quotes
Alzheimer's is a horrible thing. Some people are naive about it. They think, 'Oh it's just your memory,' but my mother was in terrible pain. Your body closes down. She didn't know if she'd eaten or if she wanted to eat. She couldn't remember how to walk. Towards the end, she didn't know us. It came gradually, then it got worse.
Buying Quotes
One of the reasons we really like to work with chefs is, boy, they do a nice job with the food. They are doing such a fine job of introducing that lamb to a lot of people who may have never eaten it. The consumption of lamb in the U.S. is 1 pound per person per year. If you can get it out there in front of people and they taste it and enjoy it, they will start buying it.
Alive Quotes
I have certain misgivings about Vista resembling Mac OS X. With its translucent windows, such comparisons are going to be hard to avoid. But Vista's similarity with OS X goes well beyond window dressing. Certain applications, such as Calendar, Sidebar, and Photo Gallery, appear to be directly, ahem, influenced by similar applications in OS X. Microsoft has a response to that claim, which I'll reveal in part 3 of this review, but suffice to say they're going to get eaten alive for these similarities.
Alone Quotes
Jet fuel prices have been rising even faster than crude oil prices for the last year, but it was the 39 per cent rise in jet fuel costs in the last month alone that pushed us to make this decision. We have made incredible progress in lowering our operational costs for over two years now. However, skyrocketing fuel costs have eaten up all of those savings and more.
Allowing Quotes
The Department of Defense is being eaten out of house and home by health care costs. More retirees are going with military medicine, Congress is allowing more National Guard and reservists to enter (the VA system) and the costs are rising. You have to say if you are going to have this kind of ballooning in PTSD benefits, a review is appropriate.
Beginning Quotes
This mission was supposed to be the beginning of the end for the shuttle, not the beginning of another round of upgrades. The history of the shuttle has, unfortunately, always been that the upgrades and operational costs have eaten up the money that was supposed to be the seed corn for new expeditions." ()