Embryonic Quotations
Embryonic Quotes from:
Adult Quotes
We applaud studies using animals to figure out ethical ways to obtain embryonic stem cells apart from the creation and destruction of human embryos. So far, however, no one appears to have accomplished this feat. Meanwhile, the good news is that adult stem cells are already providing real cures for real patients.
Beings Quotes
We deeply regret Sen. Frist's endorsement of an embryonic stem cell research policy that would turn living human beings into commodities for exploitation. ... Treating living human embryos as mere fodder for experimentation crosses a vital ethical line and contravenes the sanctity of human life.
Cell Quotes
More often than not, this rich stem cell source is discarded as medical waste after childbirth, ... This pioneering initiative will enable us to pursue all options -- umbilical, placental and embryonic -- and let science point the way to stem cell cures, offering hope to the millions of people that suffer from life-threatening conditions.
Access Quotes
Some of the early embryonic stem cell passages were relatively aberration-free, at least using the technology we have access to, even at passage 30 or so, which would be unusual for most adult stem cells, ... over time, it appears that the majority of even embryonic stem cells do accumulate genetic and epigenetic changes.
Cell Quotes
The success of this procedure in no way precludes the need to pursue all forms of human embryonic stem cell research, ... Human embryonic stem cells are extraordinarily complicated. If we are ever to realize their therapeutic potential, we must use all known tools and techniques in order to explore the mechanisms that give these cells such startling characteristics.
Arguably Quotes
Of the more than 5,500 mammals living today, dogs are arguably the most remarkable. The incredible physical and behavioral diversity of dogs -- from Chihuahuas to Great Danes -- is encoded in their genomes. It can uniquely help us understand embryonic development, neurobiology, human disease and the basis of evolution.
Bring Quotes
If out of concern over cloning, the U.S. Congress succeeds in criminalizing embryonic stem-cell research that might bring treatments for Alzheimer's disease or diabetes - and Dr. Fukuyama lent his name to a petition that supported such laws - there would be real victims: present and future sufferers of those diseases.
Change Quotes
If you tell folks you're a college student, folks are so impressed. You can be a student in anything and not have to know anything. Just say toxicology or marine biokinesis, and the person you're talking to will change the subject to himself. If this doesn't work, mention the neural synapses of embryonic pigeons.