Facts Quotations
Facts Quotes from:
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
- C S Lewis
- Mahatma Gandhi
- William James
- Friedrich Nietzsche
- Mark Twain
- Albert Einstein
- Stephen Colbert
- Mason Cooley
- Thomas Sowell
- Bertrand Russell
- Gilbert K Chesterton
- Albert Camus
- Charles Darwin
- Oscar Wilde
- Terence Mckenna
- Thomas Huxley
- Aristotle
- Fyodor Dostoevsky
- Ludwig Wittgenstein
Children Quotes
When you're going through something, whether it's a wonderful thing like having a child or a sad thing like losing somebody, you often feel like 'Oh my God, I'm so overwhelmed; I'm dealing with this huge thing on my own.' In fact, poetry's a nice reminder that, no, everybody goes through it. These are universal experiences.
Good Quotes
I've had two instances when I've met journalists face to face and we've had good interviews and I've said, 'We don't have children, by the way,' and then they've written it. I'm not sure what that's about. As misleading facts go, it's not a terrible one but it isn't true - we don't have kids.
Corpse Quotes
Photographers usually want to photograph facts and things. But I'm interested in the nature of the thing itself. A photograph of someone sleeping tells me nothing about their dream state; a photograph of a corpse tells me nothing about the nature of death. My work is about my life as an event, and I find myself to be very temporal, transient.