Geek Quotations
Geek Quotes from:
Affects Quotes
I didn't read much SF as a kid - I was a total Tolkien geek - but I started reading Samuel Delany and Angela Carter and Ursula LeGuin in high school, and I was definitely taken with the notion that here was a literature that could explore various notions of gender identity and how it affects the culture at large.
Apple Quotes
I read the Steve Jobs book, and that kind of changed everything. I've been, like, an Apple geek my whole life and have always seen him as a hero. But reading the book, and learning about how he built the company, and maintaining that corporate culture and all that, I think that influenced me a lot.
Guy Quotes
A nerd will be a nerd all his life. When we did The Nerd Book at National Lampoon, the nerds got picked up as if there were a lot of them at every school - and there aren't. Maybe two. There are many more geeks. A geek is a guy who has everything going for him, but he's just too young. He's got the software, but he doesn't have the hardware yet.
Brain Quotes
To be honest, I wasn't a sci-fi geek at all. But I do love a good sci-fi film, especially one that can really take you away. And I read some reality-bending novels growing up, like stuff by Vonngeut, so I already had one part my brain open to the unnatural and unusual, and it's generally fun to venture into that world and film in it.
Appearing Quotes
We call him the pencil-neck geek type of person but I think so many of us relate to him because he's maybe insecure but he tries to overcome it by appearing more macho than he really is, more brilliant and more intelligent, a tough guy but deep down he is insecure. Plus I think he's just the nice guy a lot of people just like to associate themselves with.
Appetite Quotes
Every day, I wake up and I say, 'Why... how... did I end up with 1.7 million Twitter followers?' It's freaky to me, every day, but that tells me that there's an appetite out there that had previously been underserved. There's an inner geek in us all, an inner bit of curiosity that people are discovering, and they like it.
Business Quotes
DEMO continues to be a successful platform because it is focused on new products -- and who isn't a product geek at heart? DEMO 2006 has launched into the marketplace a stunning and varied collection of compelling business efficiency tools, consumer services, network optimizers, and enabling technologies that are designed to make life and work easier, more enjoyable, richer. This is an exciting moment in our industry, as the DEMO 2006 demonstrators prove: the innovations are first class and investor interest is overwhelming. The technology market is on the rise again.