Homeless Quotations
Homeless Quotes from:
Again Quotes
As you know, I'm a black girl out of the projects of New York City, raised in a single parent home because my parents divorced very very young... welfare and homeless at four and then again at 16 and just not having the things or the necessary tools that society would say I needed to have in order to be any kind of success in life.
Apartments Quotes
Through a program with Community Support services, they place around 50 homeless into apartments every year. Shesler Hall houses about 40 per year and Henry Hall just opened. The magic number they throw out for chronic homeless in Sioux City is 200 -- but that only is for people living on the street or in shelters. That doesn't count people doubling up.
Advice Quotes
Maybe Mr. Cohen and his team of lawyers think that making fun of Chief Fong's Asian heritage or an officer running over a homeless person is funny or needs context. He should consider heeding the advice of his fellow officers and community leaders and stop trying to publicize and promote this stuff.
Animals Quotes
Neutering is good for his temper, it's good for his health, and it's the most important thing you can do to make a difference for homeless animals! ... Did you know that shelters have to kill more than 4 million animals every year just because there aren't enough good homes out there? I can't have that on my conscience!
Against Quotes
If they had homeless people, human beings, inside the lab against their will and they were doing needless, senseless experiments on them, people would be out in the streets marching. There would be a revolution. SHAC is saying that these animals are equal to humans in that they shouldn't have to undergo needless pain and suffering.
Assisting Quotes
I have been in touch with fellow Lions in Louisiana who are assisting me with coordinating needed items for the hurricane victims. Many homeless Lions are staying at a Lions children's camp in Leesville La., which has become a refuge for the homeless and also a distribution center for Lions helping Lions.
Apparently Quotes
I think we are going to be able to take a giant leap into where we want to be and the reason for that is that there's a driving force right now that is apparently working well in terms of all branches of government, even with the mayor's little gesture of letting the homeless be in certain parks and certain property.
Business Quotes
It is no good for somebody in the entertainment business like myself to back romantic, telegenic causes abroad, such as jeopardised tribes' peoples, noble political prisoners, and cute, endangered animals, if you do not also try and do something for the homeless on your own streets. Even if those homeless are at times supremely unpicturesque, occasionally ignoble and not at all cute.
Abundant Quotes
Just as he lived on his own terms, advocating for the rights of human beings, the rights of those who were forgotten or ignored, from victims of rape in Africa, to the homeless on streets worldwide, he chose to move into a more abundant life, not from a hospital bed, but from his home in Vatican City. Today I, along with so many Americans, continue to pray for Pope John Paul II.
Battered Quotes
It explains Scott was helping to rebuild a deck at a home for battered women and noticed that an approximate 22 year old young man was staring at him. It was Scott's claim that he had tutored this young man as a child at St. Vincent de Paul Center for Homeless Children when he was in high school.
Along Quotes
With the death toll still rising, it will take untold millions of dollars to get back some semblance of life along the nation's Gulf Coast. Most of us will never truly understand what it is like to have your life turned upside down overnight. No place to call your own. To become homeless in a day is unthinkable.
Adding Quotes
We are concerned that people are caught up in the trend and not doing research on the needs of the breed. History is proof that when people purchase dogs based on looks alone, the animal ultimately ends up being given away to a shelter, adding to the over 4 million homeless dogs already in shelters.
Along Quotes
We do have a group of about 50 people who are chronic homeless. They use the winter shelter when the weather is bad, but once it gets warm they are back at their makeshift camps under the bridges and along the river. They make very little effort to use the homeless services and improve their lives. We can offer all the programs in the world, but if they don't want to use them and don't want to change their lifestyles, there isn't much we can do about it.
Access Quotes
We do find a fair number of youth in the homeless population that because of their circumstances are either no longer welcome or may have fled from their homes that are in need of services, but they cannot access them. They may have stayed in school, they may have jobs and be managing fairly well on their own ... but their legal status is fuzzy.