Lawsuit Quotations
Lawsuit Quotes from:
Believe Quotes
We brought the lawsuit because we believe the public has a right to know about the 'no fly' list and other government watch lists. And we succeeded in doing so by making public hundreds of pages of documents that not only confirmed the existence of the 'no fly' list, but exposed many of the serious problems with the secret list. Only by informed public debate can we make our government accountable and our country safer.
Arrest Quotes
One lesson that we might draw from this incident is that we shouldn't be asking so many questions of jurors. Maybe we should just be asking if they have ever been convicted of a crime, that we ought to know. But, do we really need to know about every arrest and every civil lawsuit and what television programs they watch?
Continues Quotes
He does his job just well enough to keep it. The ridiculous exploits and faux pas are just this side of lawsuit territory so he continues to ride the wave of inefficiency and lack of expertise. I don't think that's necessarily unusual that one might be very good at one job and then is promoted, and you have no proficiency whatsoever.
Aware Quotes
We had to try to do something to get their (BNSF's) attention, ... Filing a lawsuit was about the only vehicle left at our disposal to utilize. We tried talking and met with them and (had) Gov. Vilsack here, and I believe they were well aware that the state of Iowa was willing to do anything within reason to try to keep that facility (West Burlington shops) open and operating. It was to no avail.
Acts Quotes
We are quite disappointed at the unprofessional and dangerous acts of the ships. The company is preparing to file a lawsuit against the ships' operators because they not only brought danger to Odyssey, but to their own ships. The company will file a lawsuit against the crew members too since they violated a lot of maritime affairs rules.
Attention Quotes
We were surprised when this law was brought to our attention as a result of the lawsuit because it effectively gives a veto power over something clearly within the (jurisdiction) of the Zoning Board, ... We dont know where this law came from nor why it was put on the books, but we do know that it has not been enforced and we have a legal obligation to either enforce it or repeal it.
America Quotes
There is no reason lesbian, gay and bisexual Americans should be prohibited from serving our country. The men and women in this lawsuit represent the best of our armed forces. They are patriotic, dedicated veterans. America should welcome their contributions and honor their commitment to our country.
Allow Quotes
Today's ruling by the Court is a vindication of our position, of course, but more importantly I feel it is a vindication of a person's right to counsel. While the Son of Sam Law services to reserve assets for crime victims the Court recognized that his important purpose of the law must yield in this instance to allow a person to have experienced counsel particularly in a serious lawsuit such as this.