Lowest Quotations
Lowest Quotes from:
- Stewart Butterfield
- Warren E Burger
- Dolores Stasienko
- Frank Nothaft
- John Challenger
- John Crysler
- Jonathan Ornstein
- Lucius Annaeus Seneca
- Michael Shifter
- Robert Green Ingersoll
- Robin Wagner
- Scott Johnson
- Thomas Hahn
- William Hazlitt
- A Johnson
- Adam Jonas
- Adam Schiff
- Adrian Gonzalez
- Alan Brown
- Alan Greenspan
Audience Quotes
At the end of Season 1 of 'Cheers', it was the lowest rated show in all of network television... So we turn to 'Bill Cosby'; when he came to Thursday night, he just exploded. And once the audience was there, we said, 'Hey, by the way, we also have this other great show. It's called 'Cheers'.'
Common Quotes
Email is the lowest common denominator. It's the way you get communications from one person to another. There isn't really an alternative. Sometimes people will have Facebook messenger turned on, but 99 percent of the time, if you're sending a message to a human you don't know well, you're using email.
Attached Quotes
A friend of mine told me a bunch of stuff on Buddhism and about Avicii being the lowest level of Buddhist hell, and it just sort of got stuck in my head. Later on when I went to setup a MySpace, I tried a bunch of names and they were all taken so I just kind of ended up with Avicii and then I got really attached to it.
Appreciate Quotes
I like art with a sense of humor. I don't have a huge art education to understand everything. I don't think that means that art has to be watered down to the lowest common denominator, though. I don't think you have to go to college to be able appreciate great art, but I like art that doesn't take itself too seriously.
Actual Quotes
The moment we realize that the only things we can intelligibly value are actual and potential changes in the experience of conscious beings, we can think about a landscape of such changes - where the peaks correspond to the greatest possible well-being and the valleys correspond to the lowest depths of suffering.
Activity Quotes
The other surprise was that imports came in a little bit too low, 14 percent growth year over year is the lowest year over year growth in the last two years... I think the fall in imports is a little bit atypical. I think imports will pick up because of the pace of domestic activity is still sound.
Achieved Quotes
LSI has achieved first pass success on this product, which is unique in the industry and is a testament to our expander expertise and SAS development process. Using LSI, OEMs have the opportunity to source expanders and controllers from a single vendor, providing proven interoperable solutions and the lowest risk path to success. By reducing the number of vendors to be managed, these OEMs can speed products to their customers faster.
Achieved Quotes
LSI has achieved first pass success on this product. Using LSI, OEMs have the opportunity to source expanders and controllers from a single vendor, providing proven interoperable solutions and the lowest risk path to success. By reducing the number of vendors to be managed, these OEMs can speed products to their customers faster.
Advertising Quotes
Since only three percent of online shoppers begin their process at a dealership website, Search Engine Marketing is among the most efficient and effective ways for dealerships to build traffic for their website. However, it is also among the most complex forms of advertising to manage, with vastly different results in terms of cost and traffic volume. We are excited to offer dealers this new service which will give them the power of our bid management software and search expertise, in order to drive the best results at the lowest cost.
Bonds Quotes
Obviously the data today was very supportive of bonds. The unemployment report caught everyone by surprise. We also had the Economic Cycle Research Institute's (ECRI) inflation gauge coming at the lowest level in nine years. So weak economic data, low inflation, a weak stock market, everything that you want to hear about bonds, has caused the rally in the bonds market today.
Becoming Quotes
Japanese women have the highest longevity (85 years) and the lowest obesity rates (the rate for both men and women is 3 per cent) in the world. Living in the US you can see that obesity is an epidemic and it's becoming a global crisis. I thought (before writing this book), I know what is happening and what the secret is.
Affordable Quotes
Our proposal offers the most affordable and credible price with the lowest-risk and most reliable high-performance solution. We have invested substantially in a pre-contract test program since the summer of 2005. This long series of successful tests has validated key design and performance discriminators, demonstrating the unequalled maturity and lowest risk of our solution.