Owning Quotations
Owning Quotes from:
Best Quotes
Now that I'm a grandfather myself, I realize that the best thing about having grandkids is that you get the kid for the best part of the ride - kind of like owning a car for only the first 10,000 miles. You can have your grandchildren for a couple of days and then turn them back over to the parents.
Against Quotes
One culture I find fascinating to juxtapose against American culture is the culture of Germany. They've gone through a long process through their art, poetry, public discourse, their politics, of owning the fact of their complicity in what happened in World War II. It's still a topic of everyday conversation in Germany.
Became Quotes
It became clear to me by 1984 that Microsoft was likely going to be the big winner in the PC software apps and operating system category, partly because of the dynamics of owning and controlling the operating system: that gave you enormous power, and I came to see Bill Gates was fierce competitor.
Against Quotes
World of Warcraft is completely owning the online game space right now. Look, Matrix Online is good, but it's like being in the early '90s and trying to put a fighting game up against Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter; it's just not going to happen. There are a lot of other online games that are just sucking wind right now because so many people are playing WOW.
Advice Quotes
No officer of the company has to sign or attest that the information in it is correct and there is no authority at the federal government level to enforce it. My best advice is if you can open and run your own business, do that instead of owning a franchise. Check out our website and see the potential problems with franchise agreement provisions and the problems that franchisees face.
Beat Quotes
Maybe Exxon will go up a little bit today because they beat the earnings; but remember, the stock has dropped 7 points in the last couple of weeks. So I would say this is really not a very dynamic investment. People like it and get a little dividend. You are really wasting your time with these stocks because you invest money in them and in two years, you have the same price as you had from the time you invested. So you really, in a sense, lose money by owning these stocks.
Above Quotes
If we continue with our current patterns of spending above our incomes, by 2013 the U.S. foreign liabilities could be as high as 75 percent of GDP and an increasing fraction of such liabilities will be in the form of equity. So, let us stop whining about the dangers of unfriendly foreigners owning our firms and assets and get used to it.
Basis Quotes
Fox just had to overpay on a rights fee basis for the Celtics games in order to keep the lights on the Boston market, ... So they're saving a lot of money owning the Dodgers. If the Dodgers' broadcast rights were up for public bid right now, they could go to an astronomical sum, and that would mean either a loss of programming for Fox or far greater costs.
Careful Quotes
Habitat is very careful not to put a family in a home that's not ready for home ownership. There's a big difference between renting and owning a home, financially and in regards to responsibility. We would never want to set a family to fail by putting them in a position they're not ready for.
Business Quotes
Historically, very few children have thought of entrepreneurship as a career choice. We are hoping this game will move the thought of owning their own business to the same cognitive level as other more popular career choices, ... Our children are our future, and since more than 50 percent of new jobs come from small business, it is imperative that we encourage today's children to be the entrepreneurs of tomorrow.
Almost Quotes
I think by my father owning a store, I was definitely aware of the commercial aspect of selling clothes. His shop was a place I enjoyed spending time in as a boy, so I learned things almost by osmosis at times, by literally just being around all the action and not really despite myself.
Benefits Quotes
Owning a Chrysler, Jeep or Dodge vehicle should be a worry free experience for customers. Therefore, our goal with the Miles of Freedom Plan is to provide our customers with ownership benefits unequaled in the industry. The combination of free gasoline, free scheduled maintenance and a full-warranty puts our customer's mind at ease and allows them to fully experience the joy of driving one of our vehicles.
Beauty Quotes
Mammoth is an incredible community and world-class attraction, ... We're committed to creating a vibrant living experience that matches the natural, majestic beauty of the area. 80/50 Mammoth will make the new Village at Mammoth one of the hottest year-round playgrounds in North America. For the first time, Mammoth will be a place where outdoor enthusiasts can experience the unparalleled amenities and services of a five-star resort hotel combined with privileges of owning a prestigious second home.
Appliances Quotes
This report validates the success of our strategy to focus on owning the high-end market from day one, a market that has vastly different networking and security requirements than small to mid-size companies and was underserved by existing single function security appliances that were essentially PC platforms. Only Crossbeam delivers a no compromises approach that combines best-in-breed security applications from leading ISVs, multi-gigabit performance and carrier-grade reliability into innovative UTM devices that strengthen network security while lowering total cost of ownership.
Backing Quotes
With the backing of Ford, and the money and engineering expertise (Ford provides), they also get the buying power to purchase parts from suppliers that Ford already has deals with; and all of that makes it a lot easier to develop a good car. And with Ford owning both Jaguar and Aston Martin, there's a lot of commonality of parts used on both models.
Burden Quotes
I see the pressures of local taxes, primarily from the county and school taxes, and too much of that burden has been shifted to local taxpayers and the state needs to remedy that. Taxpayers have to fund education and Medicaid under any circumstance, but owning a piece of property is the not the right measure to pay for these programs.
Advance Quotes
The thing that really upset me is that Sheehan outworked us, especially on the boards. There are more aspects to basketball than scoring. Especially in the state tournament, the things that allow you to advance are playing tough defense and owning the backboards. I didn't see enough white shirts (Fitch) boxing Sheehan out. All the glory goes to the offense, but we have to make a commitment to rebounding and defense. It's hard work. That's why we lost by five instead of winning by 10.
Alchemy Quotes
Perhaps it's time to stop analyzing Sarah Palin as a politician. Maybe, in her own muddled way, she is at last owning up to the fact that she has been miscast. You don't need politics anymore once you've discovered that the alchemy of celebrity has turned you into a 24-carat phenomenon.