Potatoes Quotations
Potatoes Quotes from:
Absolutely Quotes
My worst job ever, this was when I was a kid, was picking potatoes on the back of a trailer in March. It was freezing, absolutely freezing. We had to sort the good ones from the bad ones. Once you do that for a day in March in the north of England, it makes you think there must be better jobs than this!
Attention Quotes
The reforms on the table really get to the meat of the matter, which is changing an institution envisioned for the post-World War II period to work in a very changed world. The challenge now is that after so much attention to expanding the Security Council, this package sounds like leftovers - when it's really the meat and potatoes of reform.
Bread Quotes
Having diabetes doesn't mean that you can never enjoy a piece of cake or pie. It does mean that you may have to identify what you will skip - for example, bread or mashed potatoes - in order to have a piece of cake or pie. It also means that you cannot eat the whole pie, but rather one small piece. If you do have diabetes ... discipline now will have great rewards later.
Alcohol Quotes
We can get fuel from fruit, from that shrub by the roadside, or from apples, weeds, saw-dust - almost anything! There is fuel in every bit of vegetable matter that can be fermented. There is enough alcohol in one year's yield of a hectare of potatoes to drive the machinery necessary to cultivate the field for a hundred years. And it remains for someone to find out how this fuel can be produced commercially - better fuel at a cheaper price than we know now.
Alumni Quotes
Hasty Pudding is no small potatoes (sorry to mix the food references), known for its famous alumni and much-hyped annual awards ceremonies. One year Mel Gibson recited Hamlet and escaped from a straitjacket. Tom Cruise has strutted in a bra and stilettos. This year Sarah Jessica Parker gets the prize. A recent ... episode was about money woes. I wonder if there will be any jokes about dough this time!
Attention Quotes
I wanted the attention I missed at home, so I became the leader of a gang. That way, I got attention and was recognized as being important. It wasn't a bad gang - you know, in poor districts in New York, there's a gang to every block. We never robbed at the point of a gun; we'd steal potatoes from a grocery store, or crackers.
Across Quotes
The multiple-origins theory was based in part on the broad distribution of potatoes from north to south across many different habitats, through morphological resemblance of different wild species to cultivated species, and through other data. Our DNA data, however, shows that in fact all cultivated potatoes can be traced back to a single origin in southern Peru.
Asks Quotes
The next time I have meat and mashed potatoes, I think I'll put a very large blob of potatoes on my plate with just a little piece of meat. And if someone asks me why I didn't get more meat, I'll just say, "Oh, you mean this?" and pull out a big piece of meat from inside the blob of potatoes, where I've hidden it. Good magic trick, huh?