Pudding Quotations
Pudding Quotes from:
Sports Quotes
After leaving school, I travelled around Europe for about six months. In Denmark, I thought that was my chance to get an amazing haircut, so I went to what I thought was a great hairdresser. It turned out to be the car wash of hairdressers, and I walked out sporting yet another pudding bowl, but this time with a stripe bleached down the centre.
Doors Quotes
No matter your spiritual beliefs, if you hold any, the answer is the same: sometimes, why is not knowable. If you open the refrigerator door and a tub of Kozy Shack tapioca pudding tumbles out and splats open onto the floor, you clean it. You don’t stand there and question why it happened, how it was possible. Why doesn’t matter now.
Good Quotes
Should this or a transaction like this go through, the initial reaction is going to be very favorable, similar to the Legg Mason-Citigroup transaction. The proof in the pudding won't really be seen for a good three years. Then people can look back and say 'Wow, super smart deal,' or 'not so smart.
Alumni Quotes
Hasty Pudding is no small potatoes (sorry to mix the food references), known for its famous alumni and much-hyped annual awards ceremonies. One year Mel Gibson recited Hamlet and escaped from a straitjacket. Tom Cruise has strutted in a bra and stilettos. This year Sarah Jessica Parker gets the prize. A recent ... episode was about money woes. I wonder if there will be any jokes about dough this time!
Anyone Quotes
I think a lot of people avoid making dessert because they think it takes a lot of skill or time. Icebox desserts are, for the most part, very simple. Anyone can layer slices of fruit with whipped cream or pudding to create a beautiful parfait. Or they can make gelatin that's folded with softened ice cream or whipped topping.
Thinking Quotes
To be a textual critic requires aptitude for thinking and willingness to think; and though it also requires other things, those things are supplements and cannot be substitutes. Knowledge is good, method is good, but one thing beyond all others is necessary; and that is to have a head, not a pumpkin, on your shoulders and brains, not pudding, in your head.
Areas Quotes
The youth program has kids coming in from all other areas of San Diego. So the girls that are coming in, we're teaching them how to play lacrosse and then they go off and play for another high school and they smoke us on the field. And it's proof in the pudding that what we're doing is right, because we're spreading the good word of the game, we're spreading the good word of the sport, and the heritage of the sport.
Beautiful Quotes
I just feel really honored that they would choose me to give the beautiful pudding pot to. One of the things I love most is laughing at myself and laughing at this crazy industry that I've been so blessed to be a part of. Any time you laugh at yourself, I think that's a memorable moment, and I did that. I take this Hasty Pudding Pot very seriously and I'm going to put it right next to my Oscar.
Men Quotes
Truth is a pursuit, it's a quest. And proof is certainly in the pudding in this particular instance, because the film, and the evidence accumulated in making the film, led to this man's release from prison. And that's hardly ever happened, if it's happened at all, in any other film that I can think of.