Rainy Quotations
Rainy Quotes from:
Balanced Quotes
We're glad that the comptroller is supporting many of the budget reform initiatives the governor has advocated for years, such as greater openness and transparency, a balanced enacted budget, higher rainy day reserves, binding revenue forecasts, and moving the start of the fiscal year.
Associated Quotes
There are a number of different issues associated with so many mobile classrooms, but the hardest has been supervision, because there are so many, and they are separated from the building. On rainy days, if the students don't bring a change of clothes, they have to come to the office to call someone to bring (one to them).
Believe Quotes
I've been doing this for a long time - longer than the governor's been involved in state government. And I don't believe that using some of the rainy day fund will be any negative at all toward our bond rating or our position in financial markets because of our overall economic growth and stability.
Buy Quotes
Real love isn't ordinary. Real love isn't artificial. Real love isn't something you can buy or manufacture, because it's not something you can sell. It doesn't wash away with a rainy day or evaporate when things get too heated. It sustains itself because that's what your heart does, it sustains the rest of you.
America Quotes
Americans know they need to save for a rainy day, but with the growing need to put away for retirement and unforeseen emergencies, they need a helping hand. Keep the Change is an easy way for consumers to save with everyday purchases. Bank of America is enabling Americans to save for a rainy day one penny at a time.
Amount Quotes
Sloping land is somewhat impermeable to water, thus a considerable amount of water is lost by runoff. Crops grown on these sites are less likely to be adversely impacted by saturated soil conditions during prolonged rainy periods, but are prone to a loss of natural fertility due to erosion. Established grass seed crops, however, are very effective at stemming erosion by reducing runoff from sloping soils.