Refugees Quotations
Refugees Quotes from:
Gold Quotes
While starving refugees in Homs were providing target practice for government snipers, Bashar al-Assad's strongest international backer was in Sochi, at the Iceberg Skating Palace, visibly moved, smiling with deep satisfaction, as the Russians beautifully glided and leaped their way to the gold medal in the team event.
Camps Quotes
For years, Lebanese have known that Palestinian camps like Nahr al-Barid and Ain al-Helwe - hopeless slums crowded with generations of disenfranchised Palestinian refugees who can't go home because of Israel, and can't work because of Lebanese laws - are awash with gunmen, criminals and, since the war in Iraq, al-Qaida inspired jihadists.
Against Quotes
After the Spanish Civil War against Franco, a group of us got together: a group of well-to-do people who were sympathetic to the lost cause of a Republican state. We bought a convent in Toulouse and converted it into a hospital run by the Unitarians. It took care of the Spanish refugees who fled to Toulouse.
Again Quotes
(The) refugees have said time and time again that they will only go back if they see NATO in that peacekeeping force. They need to know that that force is built around that NATO core (and) that that force ... is not going to crumble like a pack of cards at the first sign of a challenge.
Across Quotes
She pledged that her government would work with UNHCR and other partners to reintegrate them into their communities, to identify employment opportunities, and to help them obtain those basic services that will enable them to resume a normal life. Her filmed message will be part of a UNHCR mass information campaign for some 190,000 Liberian refugees who are still scattered across West Africa.
Alarming Quotes
If it were to be true, it would be alarming indeed, because it is one thing to push refugees over borders where the international community is now increasingly ready to deal with them in a humane way, but it's quite another thing to push them back into a wasteland where there is no food, very little water, no medical supplies, where everything has been looted.
Areas Quotes
What is being done is fairly massive. There will be temporary field offices in various areas around the disaster zone, ... We'll be trying to get word to refugees that are staying in shelters that they can visit or call these temporary field offices to get their checks. As you can imagine, it's a rather difficult proposition to get that information out to the people who need it.
Across Quotes
Having American refugees on American soil is heartbreaking, ... In Rhode Island and all across the country, American families are offering their homes, posting their offers on the Internet and on community bulletin boards. My wife Marisa and I offer our home for any family who is displaced.
Brought Quotes
Some of the now older kids remember performing at the Convention Center in New Orleans, when they were the youngest ones on the trip. They've seen the recent television pictures of the refugees holed up at the Center, and the Aquarium (which they visited) that was destroyed by the hurricane. It's brought it all home for them and they've talked about it at some of our rehearsals.
Baptist Quotes
We're already meeting with families utilizing our shelter (in West Jackson Baptist Church) and in the immediate area, getting the preliminary casework needed and pairing their needs to the proper agencies, and we'll be doing that throughout the 11 counties we serve. We'll be in Brownsville Monday, where there are 100 refugees in various locations, and in Selmer Tuesday, where there are 40 more.
Becomes Quotes
We are particularly worried about the health of the refugee population, domestic violence and refugees resorting to illegal employment or even to prostitution, just to put enough food on the table, ... When food becomes scarce, refugees often turn to desperate measures to feed themselves and their families.
Affected Quotes
There are just too many unknowns right now. They're moving refugees to Texas. There hasn't been a lot of focus on people who are living in hotels and there are presumably 1.5 million people affected in Mississippi and Alabama. There is no one analyzing what the market impacts are going to be because we've never been in a situation like this before.
Bicycles Quotes
We all saw the evacuation of Houston during the hurricane. In the exodus from Paris, five million people hit the road in fear of the impending battle. After the French surrendered without a defense of Paris, many moved back. For me, the drama was that evacuation. I could not get the image of two people on bicycles in that flood of refugees out of my head.
United States Quotes
We're very disappointed to see that the United States Coast Guard has chosen to use firearms against refugees coming from Cuba. These are people who are desperate, and they're coming here not so much for a better life, but to leave behind a nightmare that exists in Cuba from the government of Castro.
Allowed Quotes
Confusion: You cannot speak of your achievements for you are conceited, yet you cannot speak of wrongs because you complain. We encourage you to learn, yet if you teach what you learnt you are not qualified. You may be ridiculed for never taking chances in life, but if you do you must be careful. You are allowed to smoke whilst complaining about pollution. We must protect refugees fleeing war, yet we are scorned for protecting them in their homeland.
Baton Quotes
A long and difficult settlement looms. For Houston or Baton Rouge, these are huge numbers of people for them. They are desperately poor, seriously depressed, lost individuals with nothing. They are going to be hard to absorb. It's an enormous burden for a city to take it on. After the shock and warmth and compassion wear off, these refugees are going to have to find a way to become new citizens in these new places.
Good Quotes
They wanted someone there to talk to, someone who would listen to them. The other refugees - they had their own problems and didn't want to hear someone else's. Parents had to be strong for their kids. They would walk in with the weight of the world on their shoulders, and it made me feel good to do something.