Renew Quotations
Renew Quotes from:
Car Quotes
My dirty little secret is I don't drive at all, though I have my license and I renew it every five years. I'm phobic. I keep worrying if I drive, I'll end up killing someone. I hoped that by writing about a car crash, I might understand and heal this phobia, but I didn't! I'm still phobic.
Afford Quotes
In December, I agreed to extend the tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans because it was the only way I could prevent a tax hike on middle-class Americans. But we cannot afford $1 trillion worth of tax cuts for every millionaire and billionaire in our society. We can't afford it. And I refuse to renew them again.
Again Quotes
The priests say the new dawn will be like the rain that fertilizes the soil before we begin to plant our corn. It will renew the natural cycle of life. The Mayan people will once again flourish. I believe in this very strongly. The holy men say we are entering a period of clarity. We are rediscovering our Mayan values.
Appeal Quotes
Leprosy is a symptom of a more serious and vaster ill, which is poverty. For this reason, following in the wake of my predecessors, I renew the appeal to leaders of nations so that they will unite their efforts to overcome the grave imbalances that still penalize a large part of humanity.
America Quotes
If we renew American civilization, if we restore faith, if we defeat the drug culture, if we reestablish incentives, if we decentralize so local volunteers and local leaders create local solutions, if we replace ignorance with knowledge so that every citizen is able to pursue happiness, I think we could in a generation give our grandchildren the kind of America which would let them lead the entire human race,
Books Quotes
I am delighted that I can do my part to put quality books to the shelves of our local school libraries, ... Often times, school libraries are not provided with enough funding to renew book selections, so the Library of Congress program provides a real boost for these libraries, and helpes keep kids interested in reading.
Devoted Quotes
I am fighting to revive faith, not just in the Liberal party, but in politics itself. I'm a devoted Liberal, I've been one all my life. That's why I'm in the fight to renew the party I love. All my life has been inspired by Canada, and now it's my turn to try and inspire my fellow Canadians.
Activity Quotes
There is no better time for women approaching or currently going through menopause to start or renew an exercise program. Physical activity can play an important role in counteracting many of the changes a woman experiences in her post menopausal years including the increased risk of weight gain, heart disease and bone loss. In addition to exercise, a low-fat, high fiber diet rich in calcium can also help ward off symptoms.
Across Quotes
I think it's important for people to know that the purpose of the Freedom Walk is to remember the victims, to reflect on what happened in this country, and then to renew our commitment to freedom and to the people defending the freedom ... our men and women in the military across the globe.
Abroad Quotes
Our goals are clear: maintain a superb standard of performance of core classics, renew and refresh our tradition with contemporary music of value and relevance, reach out to all segments of our heterogeneous society, tour nationally and abroad as ambassadors of the true face of America.
Date Quotes
I will undergo another medical examination on Monday and Tuesday, that will give further evidence of how severe the injury of my knee is. By then, it will also be clear, how much treatment will be required and how long it would take me to be fully restored again. Depending on this, we will find out a new date for my fight, and I will start to renew my preparation as soon as possible.
America Quotes
Traditional politics is dominated by and defended by a collection of elites who are deeply opposed to the solutions America needs to renew its civilization and ensure its economic and national security interests. These elites want a dramatically different world from the values and aspirations of most Americans.
Commitment Quotes
We would like to renew that as well for a multi-year commitment and keep going back there. We've met with all of our promoters and talked dates and length of terms with them and they are very excited about it as well. We look forward to it being a mainstay of their schedule for a long time to come.
Dates Quotes
But seriously, ... I love doing all this stuff and I try to do as much for the team as I can. Like tomorrow, we're going on a few lunch dates with some guys to renew their season tickets. Hopefully my being there can help sell a few season tickets. I want to do as much as I can to promote our team.
Advice Quotes
This episode where the White House consulted with powerful interests in the Republican Party but not sufficiently with the Senate is troubling and disappointing, ... I renew my call that the President provide sufficient and necessary information about his nominee for the United States Supreme Court to the Senate so we can perform our Constitutional duty of advice and consent.
Allow Quotes
This has been a difficult year for Rodrigo and we hope that a fresh start with a new club will allow him the opportunity to renew his career in Major League Soccer. I spoke to Rodrigo yesterday and he was appreciative of his treatment by the Fire and he wished he could have done more to help the team.
Among Quotes
For a year now I have walked around with a secret, a secret I chose to keep. But now I want you to be among the first to know that I have made plans to renew and revive the Smashing Pumpkins. I want my band back, and my songs, and my dreams. In this desire I feel I have come home again.