Renewable Quotations
Renewable Quotes from:
Absurdity Quotes
The notion that moving toward renewable energy will kill jobs is an absurdity on its face. The notion that we have to live smaller lifestyles; not have the American way of life or give up the American Dream is just ridiculous. It is the opposite of the case; a new energy paradigm will create opportunity.
Business Quotes
We are not trying to prevent new clean energy businesses from succeeding. Any business that's economical, that can succeed in the marketplace, any form of energy, we're all for. As a matter of fact, we're investing in quite a number of them, ourselves - whether that's ethanol, renewable fuel oil.
Engage Quotes
As much as with increased exploration new gas reserves can be found, what must be obvious to all is that our oil and gas reserves are not renewable and they are diminishing, and to protect the generations to come, we must engage in nothing short of a radical shift in the diversification of the economy.
Affordable Quotes
We are honored to participate in this Consumer Choice Initiative, and we applaud the Mayor for recognizing the importance of consumer choice and especially for educating consumers about the benefits of pollution free electricity from renewable sources. Most people don't know that making electricity is the leading cause of industrial air pollution in the United States. Green Mountain Energy Company provides customers with an easy way to purchase clean, affordable electricity.
Affordable Quotes
Solar energy is a clean alternative energy source. It's clear, given the current energy crisis, that we need to embrace new sources of renewable energy that are good for our planet. I believe very strongly in using technology to provide affordable options that all consumers can put into practice.
Alone Quotes
Nuclear power alone is not the solution to our energy woes, but can become a stronger component of an overall national energy policy, just as we must promote greater domestic oil and gas production, and yes, embrace greater conservation and renewable fuels. But we should be realistic in understanding that conservation and renewable fuels, which now only provide about 2 percent of our energy needs, will never get us to energy independence.
America Quotes
Our plan will help families and businesses cut energy costs now, ... It will make America a world leader in energy efficiency, through our bottomless capacity in innovation and new technology to improve people's lives. We will create traditional and renewable sources of energy without sacrificing the environment and our children's future.
Access Quotes
Our vision is to rethink how many of the material needs of society can be met by using renewable agriculturally based raw materials, ... it is one of very few institutions in the world that can bring together so many physical and life scientists, engineers and social scientists with the talent and interest in sustainable development, or that has access to so many bright young minds.
Accentuate Quotes
Renewable power mandates merely accentuate the inefficiency and cost premiums attached to so-called renewable power sources. If renewable power saved consumers money, created jobs, or carried any of the other economic benefits so frequently claimed by environmental activists, then government would not have to pass a law to force power companies to purchase it or consumers to buy it.
Advances Quotes
It is clear the solution to America 's energy challenges will need to come from advances in fuels and vehicle technology. The fact is, without the whole-hearted involvement of the oil industry, we cannot move forward far enough and fast enough. We obviously need key partners like the oil industry to invest in developing and marketing renewable fuels, like E85.
Addition Quotes
The annual auction is the only fundraiser we have. Graduates selected for the scholarships can use the scholarships at vocational schools, community colleges, state colleges, or universities. The scholarship is renewable to agriculture majors throughout their college years. Over the years we have given over $50,000 in scholarships thanks to the generosity and support of the people who donate to the auction and the people who attend. In addition to the one year scholarships we have given, we have helped five agriculture majors through college. The bottom line is all about helping the kids.
Allowing Quotes
The project upgrades will significantly reduce plant emissions and increase plant output, allowing Greenville Steam Company to provide significant supplies of clean and competitively priced renewable power. The Greenville investment comes at a pivotal time with increasing cost of electricity in New England as well as rising clean energy requirements in the region.
Agenda Quotes
The fact that this was the only significant veto left untouched yesterday shows the success of New York's energy efficiency and renewable energy programs. We're hopeful that we've now closed the chapter on this debate and that we can move forward with the legislature and the Governor on an ambitious agenda to build and strengthen clean energy efforts in New York.
Cases Quotes
When prices rise, the very security of the poor is threatened the only viable response in some cases is simply to do without this is unacceptable. Renewable energy can enhance a country's energy security by reducing energy import requirements; reduce supply risks by diversifying its energy portfolio and protect precious financial resources.
Auto Quotes
What's changed is the auto industry's commitment to promoting ethanol as a motor fuel, and the government's realization that ethanol presents a unique opportunity to incorporate a substantial volume of renewable fuel into our nation's vehicle fuel supply. Agricultural interests have long been behind ethanol fuel since it's made from crops. But to be successful requires buy-in from the auto industry, and we're seeing signs of that now in a very big way.
Achieve Quotes
This newly created position is an important part of our company's ongoing commitment to identify alternative sources of energy supply, to further renewable energy development in Nevada and to achieve success in complying with our state's renewable portfolio standard. Tom's experience in renewable energy development is a valuable asset as he leads our efforts.
Committed Quotes
As the nation's leading retail provider of renewable energy, Edison International is committed to developing new, environmentally sensitive energy technologies to meet the growing demand for electricity throughout the U.S., ... The San Juan Mesa project will provide the people of New Mexico with a valuable new source of environmentally friendly electricity at a time of rising fossil-fuel costs.
Control Quotes
Energy independence is an important strategy for our military. Because our project is powered by the sun, it reduces our dependence on foreign oil. And since energy from the sun is a free, sustainable, renewable resource, it also allows the military to control their energy costs. That's important for tax payers.
Businesses Quotes
Energy efficient and renewable technology development is imperative for future generations. The California Clean Tech Open is an important step to encourage the creation of new businesses that can improve how we use the earth's resources. I look forward to serving our customers with energy-efficient and renewable-energy technologies like those this competition will produce.
Abundant Quotes
The state's combination of abundant renewable resources, high fuel prices, limited geographic area, and recognized expertise in hydrogen technology R&D, makes it an ideal location to lead the state's transition to a renewable energy-to-hydrogen economy. By attracting considerable investments of capital and expertise to Hawaii, we will be investing wisely for our future needs.
Choose Quotes
Our customers have expressed interest in being able to choose renewable resources and I'm pleased that we will now be able to offer them that choice. Green Mountain Power's overall power mix is already low in fossil fuels, but under our new program, customers can choose 100 percent renewable resources. We've called the program 'Greener Mountain Power' to reflect that greener choice.