Serial Quotations
Serial Quotes from:
Almost Quotes
I think of myself as a fairly logical, scientific and somewhat reserved person. Maura Isles, the Boston medical examiner who appears in five of my books, is me. Almost everything I use in describing her, from her taste in wine to her biographical data, is taken from my own family. Except I don't have a serial killer as a mother!
Asked Quotes
Serial tasking is hard because switching tasks is hard, even when the tasks are easy and similar. In some experiments, bilingual speakers are asked to read out numbers, first in one language and then midway in another language. They often stumble at the switch, taking many tries before they hit their stride again.
Ahead Quotes
Because I never plan anything out ahead of time, I'm always in the process of learning about my characters. Without a biographical sketch to guide me, I discover things about my heroines as the stories unfold. Only in 'Body Double' did I discover that Maura's mother was a serial killer.
Buried Quotes
I think what would I do next if, as in his case, he goes to look at the place where a serial killer lived and indeed buried his victims and instead of finding this very squalid and sinister street he finds it's all gone and the whole place has been turned into a very pretty little enclave of small, pretty houses and gardens and trees and flowers and cobbled streets.
Bill Quotes
Most don't have the portrait on the right side of the bill that is seen on genuine currency when it is held up to the light. When the portrait is in place on the counterfeit money, it is usually of poor quality. In some instances, when the bill was taken by a person with wet hands, the ink smeared. Some of the serial numbers used have been the same, with some businesses unknowingly taking several counterfeit bills at one time, all of them with the exact same serial number,
Actively Quotes
We have been actively involved in the diesel particulate filter business since the 1980's in Europe and went into high volume serial production on light vehicles in 2000. This win with International continues the growth of Tenneco's diesel particulate filter business, expected to be over 1.5 million units annually in 2007.
Absolutely Quotes
Cowell gave me an enormous amount of 'how to' knowledge, including how to write a serial piece before I went to Schoenberg. Also an immense stimulation about world music. He was an absolutely fascinating man, because of his knowledge not only of world music but also of how to do different things.
Attacking Quotes
Personally, I don't think he is a serial killer but just a thief, an ordinary thief who has been attacking soft targets such as women. And I don't think he was operating alone, there may be others like him, but of course we are investigating that and we shall come to the bottom of it.
Allowed Quotes
It never ceases to amaze me that readers who are willing to suspend their disbelief when it comes to the motivation of a vicious serial killer get high and mighty because I have put a coffee shop where there isn't one. Er... it's a novel. I made one up. I'm allowed to make stuff up. I'd go as far as to suggest that I make stuff up for a living.
Create Quotes
I want to create an environment where I can create technology, get it into the hands of someone to market it, and move on to other technologies so I can keep innovating. I want to be a serial entrepreneur: Incubate an idea, get it to a good state, and make that an enabler to get to the next state. It's every researcher's fantasy.
Answer Quotes
They come back and say to a judge that you didn't consider A, B and C, ... You endure these serial filings. It's just part of law. As long as there is paper and a typewriter there'll be a motion, but I think the court's original ruling is clear. So we move on, we answer any questions that the judge wants answered, and I expect that the result of this motion will not be different than the result of their original motion.
Audiences Quotes
At the same time the technological world is giving moviegoers all kinds of other entertainment options, there has been an increase in the quality of really great serial television - both broadcast and cable. That is giving audiences the kind of character development that they feel is missing from so many Hollywood blockbusters, which are overly concerned with special effects.
Bit Quotes
The compassion is instigated by the situation, and Godwin, a bit ham-handedly, belabors the situation so that there can be no doubt in the reader's mind, makes Marilyn sweet, young, and innocent (rather than a cold-blooded murderer or serial killer) so that reader will want to save her - and then the realization of "the cold equations" will be more effective.