Sincerity Quotations
Sincerity Quotes from:
- Confucius
- Francois De La Rochefoucauld
- Mason Cooley
- Radhanath Swami
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Benjamin Disraeli
- Bible Bible
- Charles Spurgeon
- Claude Monet
- Edmund White
- Ezra Pound
- Fred A Allen
- Henry David Thoreau
- Hu Jintao
- Malcolm X
- Melissa Cross
- Michel De Montaigne
- Oscar Wilde
- Paramahansa Yogananda
- Ramakrishna
Came Quotes
I have said with as much sincerity as I can muster that if I were thrown into a dungeon with a sentence of one hundred years, with my only company being an illiterate guard who came twice a day with meals but who never spoke, I would still write - on coarse toilet paper in the dark if I could spare it.
Convince Quotes
One of the surest signs of our sincerity would be to withdraw a few brigades. It would convince the nations in the region that we're not there to stay, not an occupation power. Second is the notice to the Iraq government that they're going to have to start shouldering more responsibility, that our presence there is not infinite.
Convince Quotes
One of the surest signs of our sincerity would be to withdraw a few brigades, ... It would convince the nations in the region that we're not there to stay, not an occupation power. Second is the notice to the Iraq government that they're going to have to start shouldering more responsibility, that our presence there is not infinite.
Act Quotes
Only a tiny handful of slaves responded to the Confederate proposal. They viewed it as an act of desperation and were skeptical of the sincerity of promises of emancipation. The reaction of the slaves generally was 'Why would we fight for the Confederacy; it's not our country? They were very well informed through the grapevine.
Accept Quotes
I have done my best to fulfil my responsibility to him and to the party in circumstances which were difficult for everyone ... It has been an enormously difficult time and there have been huge conflicts of loyalty. We have to accept the sincerity of intention of people in what it was they tried to do.
Believing Quotes
I don't doubt the sincerity of dowsers, but even after we've demonstrated that they can't produce results that are any better than chance they'll still go away believing in their abilities, ... It is like the mother whose son is caught shoplifting on tape. She wonders why someone would want to frame her child by producing a fake video.
Create Quotes
I am saddened by the recent announcements of violations of baseball's drug program. There exists some doubt in the public sector about our sincerity in eliminating steroids from the game. That is wrong. We must create an understanding everywhere that when we say we need to rid the game of steroids, we mean it.
Although Quotes
REPROBATION, n. In theology, the state of a luckless mortal prenatally damned. The doctrine of reprobation was taught by Calvin, whose joy in it was somewhat marred by the sad sincerity of his conviction that although some are foredoomed to perdition, others are predestined to salvation.
Adhere Quotes
We will adhere to the fundamental principles of peaceful reunification and 'one country, two systems,' and maintain and promote a peaceful and stable development of the cross-Strait relations with our utmost sincerity and greatest endeavors to strive for a prospect of peaceful reunification.
Athletic Quotes
During the search ..I had the opportunity to interview some outstanding candidates that reinforced my belief that Penn is a special university with a great basketball legacy. I heard from scores of university presidents, athletic directors and basketball coaches, and the unanimous opinion is that Glen is a person of integrity, sincerity and uncommon coaching acumen. It?s a pleasure to welcome him to the Penn athletics family.
Chinese Quotes
In the heated discussion of the US-China relations within the United States in the first half of this year, US President Bush, State Secretary Rice and other high-ranking officials showed their sincerity and goodwill to respond to the Chinese side as they take the overall situation of the bilateral ties into consideration.