Souls Quotations
Souls Quotes from:
- Adoniram Judson
- Dieter F Uchtdorf
- Ella Wilcox
- Rig Veda
- William Channing
- Atharva Veda
- Bible Bible
- Clive Sinclair
- Dante Alighieri
- James E Faust
- Khader Habib
- Sally Kirkland
- Sathya Baba
- Theodore Roosevelt
- William Blake
- William Butler Yeats
- William Cartwright
- William Stafford
- William Wordsworth
- Adam Mansbach
Bad Quotes
The Malays have many queer notions about tigers and usually only speak of them in whispers, because they think that certain souls of human beings who have departed this life have taken up their abode in these beasts, and in some places, for this reason, they will not kill a tiger unless he commits some specially bad aggression.
Achieves Quotes
The man who is gloomy, taciturn and lives in a world of doubt seldom achieves more than a bare living. There have been a few who have groaned their way through to a competence, but in proportion to that overwhelming number of souls who carry cheer through life, they are as nothing - mere drops in the bucket.
Becomes Quotes
There are no soft or slothful ways to become sanctified to the point that we are prepared to live in the presence of the Savior. And there can be blessings in the burdens we bear. As a result of these struggles, our souls are stretched and our spirits are strengthened. Our character becomes more Christlike as we are tried and tested.
Bird Quotes
The luckiest person in the world is somebody who is born into a small, shabby-genteel town on a major railway connection with 24,000 souls and a bird sanctuary and whose grandfather owns a farm and whose father owns a business -whose family is mildly prosperous but not rich, which means you can leave the town.
Books Quotes
Alas, those six unfortunate souls who have made their way through my books know that every one of them is about Emerson and Thoreau and their dark counters, Melville and Emily Dickinson. Try as I might, I can't get their inspirations, their challenges and sentences and wisdom and questions out of my head.
Accurately Quotes
Of all cursed places under the sun, where the hungriest soul can hardly pick up a few grains of knowledge, a girls boarding-school is the worst. They are called finishing schools, and the name tells accurately what they are. They finish everything but imbecility and weakness, and that they cultivate. They are nicely adapted machines for experimenting on the question, ''Into how little space a human being can be crushed?'' I have seen some souls so compressed that they would have fitted into a small thimble, and found room to move there -- wide room. A woman who has been for many years at one of those places carries the mark of the beast on her till she dies.
Although Quotes
More breeders are caught through the ice. Although I've seen a slight trend toward catch and release, you'll always have a few greedy souls who will load up a sleigh to show the world what great fishermen they are. That could be remedied with the commission setting up niche regulations, like only one fish a day over 18 inches in winter.
Ascending Quotes
Now tequila may be the favoured beverage of outlaws but that doesn't mean it gives them preferential treatment. In fact, tequila probably has betrayed as many outlaws as has the central nervous system and dissatisfied wives. Tequila, scorpion honey, harsh dew of the doglands, essence of Aztec, crema de cacti; tequila, oily and thermal like the sun in solution; tequila, liquid geometry of passion; Tequila, the buzzard god who copulates in midair with the ascending souls of dying virgins; tequila, firebug in the house of good taste; O tequila, savage water of sorcery, what confusion and mischief your sly, rebellious drops do generate!
Spirit And Spirituality Quotes
But those rare souls whose spirit gets magically into the hearts of men, leave behind them something more real and warmly personal than bodily presence, an ineffable and eternal thing. It is everlasting life touching us as something more than a vague, recondite concept. The sound of a great name dies like an echo; the splendor of fame fades into nothing; but the grace of a fine spirit pervades the places through which it has passed, like the haunting loveliness of mignonette.
Attest Quotes
FUNERAL, n. A pageant whereby we attest our respect for the dead by enriching the undertaker, and strengthen our grief by an expenditure that deepens our groans and doubles our tears.The savage dies --they sacrifice a horse To bear to happy hunting-grounds the corse. Our friends expire --we make the money fly In hope their souls will chase it to the sky. --Jex Wopley
Acceptance Quotes
Holiness is neither that passionate love of the beginning, nor the tormenting anxiety of the long waits and of the moonlight walks, but is that superior form of friendship that is given this time a true eternal look, of comprehension, of acceptance of the self sacrifice for friendship, understanding and complementarity. Holiness occurs when the two souls involved in this phenomenon becomes complementary, become one. When those two become one, when the unity can no longer be destroyed, then love acquires the meaning of holiness. Holiness is piety and faith, is fulfilment and self sacrifice, because holiness requires all of this. Faith is a characteristic of the holiness and this is why it is blind to many of the reasons in every day life
Change Quotes
I want to thank him for leading a one-minute prayer for the souls of the victims. In times like this, we should unite and stop quarreling. Ratings change every day... There's no need to compete. In my opinion, the more game shows and noontime shows on the air, the better, because that will help a lot of people.
Accept Quotes
Today we are only marching in protest, but if you do not stop this assault (on Muhammad) we will sacrifice our souls and our blood for the prophet. Our message today is that we will accept an official apology from the government, but if the assault continues we will burn the land under their feet.
Blood Quotes
We cannot sit still and see the dear Burmans, flesh and blood like ourselves and, like ourselves, possessed of immortal souls that will shine forever in heaven or burn forever in hell - we cannot see them go down to perdition without doing our very utmost to save them. And thanks be to God, our labors are not in vain.
Apply Quotes
The principles and doctrines of the priesthood are sublime and supernal. The more we study the doctrine and potential and apply the practical purpose of the priesthood, the more our souls will be expanded and our understanding enlarged, and we will see what the Lord has in store for us.