I am a vigilant monarchist. I want to see things evolve. The direction the monarchy seems to be moving in - towards a more mainland-European model - is one I would feel sympathetic about.
In any business, the more you learn, the more sympathetic you can be to other people's positions.
The easiest way for readers to connect with characters and feel sympathy is to make the character entertaining, sympathetic and likeable.
Even the distribution of rations leaves much to be desired; the fatigue party, well-intentioned and sympathetic though it be, often finds itself short of provisions.
I was sympathetic to virtually all groups that wanted to get away from the old system.
Friendship allows you to see your own life but with a second sympathetic self.
My attitudes aren't directed toward characters at all. I don't feel sympathetic toward some characters, unsympathetic toward others. I don't love some characters, feel contempt for others. They have attitudes; I don't.
My characters are always utterly sympathetic to me.
When it comes to labor and politics, I am inclined to be sympathetic to the left, but when it comes to the Catholic Church, then I am far to the right.
And he would listen, making only a few comments, always sympathetic, so that when I left him I had the distinct impression he had solved everything for me.
If you can find the line between sympathetic and creepy, you have reached a very funny area.
She had listened to him, partly sympathetic, partly horrified. For it was one thing for her to reject her background, to be critical of her family's heritage, another to hear it from him.
I don't like sympathetic characters.
When you research someone, you actually get beyond your own preconceptions and become aware of the human being other than the image. You become empathetic and sympathetic in turn.
This (George W. Bush's) administration is not sympathetic to corporations, it is indentured to corporations
History is sympathetic to its authors.
My mother was very sympathetic. She was the one who really gave me the courage to take my freedom.
I was brought up to be sympathetic toward others.
Be your own editor/critic. Sympathetic but merciless!
The most sympathetic of men never fully comprehend woman's concrete situation.
To be sympathetic without discrimination is so very debilitating.
The science of the future will be based on sympathetic vibrations.
Success in dealing with people depends on sympathetic grasp of the other person's viewpoint.
Be sympathetic with the other person's ideas and desires.
Man's best possession is a sympathetic wife.
Shakspeare is the only biographer of Shakspeare; and even he can tell nothing, except to the Shakspeare in us; that is, to our most apprehensive and sympathetic hour.
The aid we can give each other is only incidental, lateral, and sympathetic.
Dread is a sympathetic antipathy and an antipathetic sympathy....