Turkish Quotations
Turkish Quotes from:
Alleged Quotes
We congratulate the Turkish and Moroccan authorities and the FBI for finding and apprehending the alleged distributors of the Zotob and Rbot (Mytob) worms so quickly. These arrests demonstrate the value of public-private collaboration ? the first-class investigative work by the authorities and ?round-the-clock technical and investigative support provided by our Internet Crime Investigations Team here at Microsoft.
Against Quotes
We think that PKK committed a big mistake when they resumed the war against Turkish government.... We think that the time is for all people to choose political and peaceful methods of struggle. We don't think that what they are doing is in the interests of the Kurdish people either in Turkey or in Iraq.
Advancing Quotes
It would be to the benefit not only of Turkey and Europe but to the entire world, including my country, if the December 12 European Union summit in Copenhagen can succeed in advancing two important goals -- a settlement in Cyprus and an agreement on a date to begin talks on Turkish membership in the EU.
Against Quotes
Accusations of genocide are a very sensitive issue and we are attempting to deal with it as such. The accusations are made against the Ottoman regime and are no reflection on the modern Turkish state or Turkish people. I have met to discuss the issue with a range of representatives from the Turkish community and agreed to host a seminar for them to present their view on this period of history.
Category Quotes
By very conservative estimates, Turkish repression of Kurds in the 1990s falls in the category of Kosovo. It peaked in the early 1990s; one index is the flight of more than a million Kurds from the countryside to the unofficial Kurdish capital, Diyarbakir, from 1990 to 1994, as the Turkish army was devastating the countryside.
Bringing Quotes
GE Energy is honored to be a part of this milestone project - Turkey's largest wind energy plant. The Bares II project underscores GE's commitment to bringing cleaner energy solutions to the Turkish power industry and other global customers. The project also demonstrates the private sector's growing confidence in wind energy.