Vatican Quotations
Vatican Quotes from:
Bishops Quotes
Francis seems familiar because Catholics have already known him in the Vatican II priests who have been their pastors and sacramental ministers over the years since that council brought new life to an old church. Catholics have known him in the bishops and priests who brought the spirit of the council to their dioceses and parishes.
Believe Quotes
I think Catholic Americans had better believe there's truth in all religions, because the Second Vatican Council said that. We don't believe that we have a monopoly on truth. We believe what we have is true, but it's not the whole truth. And we can learn a lot from the other religions if we listen to them respectfully.
Abundant Quotes
Just as he lived on his own terms, advocating for the rights of human beings, the rights of those who were forgotten or ignored, from victims of rape in Africa, to the homeless on streets worldwide, he chose to move into a more abundant life, not from a hospital bed, but from his home in Vatican City. Today I, along with so many Americans, continue to pray for Pope John Paul II.
Cbs Quotes
My wife expects me to be on a plane to Rome for the CBS screening of the CBS TV movie about Pope John Paul . The screening is at the Vatican on the 17th, and I've got to be on the plane on the 16th, so I'm hoping we can conclude the deal by the 15th, which is deadline, so I can please Hideki and please my wife ? and meet the pope.
Awe Quotes
St. Pope John XXIII called for the Second Vatican Council because he understood, as no Holy Father had in a long time, religion spoke to and found its language and symbols - its entire sense of the sacramental nature of existence - in the imagination that reveals not just the penalties of living, but the wonder and awe of our existence.
Above Quotes
Above and beyond giving a mea culpa, John Paul II will attempt to frame what the church means by a mea culpa. His belief that the church strengthens itself through a frank acknowledgment of past sins is a remarkable thing. But the Vatican is also being careful to make clear that this isn't simply a spectacular act of self-flagellation before hostile outsiders; it's about the church's need to express regret and ask for God's pardon rather than to satisfy outsiders.
Against Quotes
Even when they released the 'Memory and Reconciliation' document, the Vatican made clear that there were different camps inside the church, some of whom felt the church was going too far in its apology and others who believe it hadn't gone far enough. Although this pope has gone a lot further than any in history toward acknowledging corporate responsibility on the part of the church, he's pushing against significant opposition, and the outcome will still be regarded as insufficient in some quarters.
Behalf Quotes
On behalf of the government and the state of Israel, I would like to express condolences on the passing of Pope John Paul II, and to share in the mourning of millions of Christians and believers in both the state of Israel and around the Christian world. Pope John Paul II was a man of peace and a friend of the Jewish people, who was familiar with the uniqueness of the Jewish people and who worked for an historic reconciliation between the peoples and for the establishment of diplomatic relations between Israel and the Vatican in late 1993. ...Yesterday, the world lost one of the most important leaders of our generation, whose great contribution to rapprochement and unity between peoples, understanding and tolerance will be with us for many years.