Workshop Quotations
Workshop Quotes from:
Curtain Quotes
One of the ideas that was developed at MIT in a workshop was, imagine this pipe, and you've got valves, solenoid valves, taps, opening and closing. You create like a water curtain with pixels made of water. If those pixels fall, you can write on it: you can show patterns, images, text.
Amazingly Quotes
My first plays were amazingly bad, but I had a teacher who thought I had promise, and he kept working with me. I finally went to a summer workshop before my senior year with people like Sam Shepard and Maria Irene Fornes who encouraged me to write from my subconscious, and suddenly all this material about culture clash came out.
Achieve Quotes
Many companies today are looking to consolidate diverse supply chain systems into a unified process. Tight integration of Manhattan Associates' Integrated Logistics Solutions can improve efficiency and visibility across the supply chain and increase productivity, helping Build-A-Bear Workshop generate value and achieve strategic advantage--both today and in the long term.
Company Quotes
I had a theatre company years ago when I was a young man, and we would do street theater. This guy did a workshop one day on fire eating, and I participated, and it was just one of those party tricks that you learn. My last endeavor doing that was with the Muppets, back in 1995 or something like that. And I haven't done it since.
Bring Quotes
I remember when I was in graduate school and someone in workshop would say, 'I'm going to bring in a chapter of my novel.' The thought that someone could think they'd write a whole long thing... I could only see twelve pages ahead. But then I realized that if you could see twelve more after that, you can start.
Army And Navy Quotes
Yes, the Army Corps was involved with the Gilboa Dam situation. They took part in a workshop on the subject and reviewed the city's plans for stabilizing the dam. The Corps will also be involved in another Gilboa workshop in February, about the anchoring cables that are going to be installed.
Addressing Quotes
This workshop is important because most people are inexperienced and do the best they don't know how to do. The workshops would also be great for students concerned about loved ones, students studying to become health care professionals, as we will be addressing the more humanistic aspects of care.
Changes Quotes
With so many changes set to occur and the prospect of financing a college education overwhelming anyway, we wanted to provide the community some unbiased information to help make the smartest financial decision possible. This workshop will provide timely information on how to reduce the total cost of a college education.
Assistant Quotes
Ansel taught a workshop in Yosemite which I happened to attend. We talked. He suggested I come work for him after I finished school. Ansel was then in his 80s. I was his photographic assistant until his death in 1984, after which I worked with his friend Mary Alinder on Ansel's biography. The entire experience was very much a privilege.
Among Quotes
ABLE began operations 24 years ago, offering sheltered workshop services to about a dozen clients. Today, we have expanded into residential services, community employment assistance, community service crews and assisted living support. ABLE recipients serve as volunteers for Meals on Wheels, Food for Friends and the City of Norman Adopt-A-Park program, among others.
Chance Quotes
It's been the source of some very innovative ideas. It gives designers a chance to stretch the limits in a context that's even potentially meaningful. Given the economics of the industry, it can be difficult to create meaningful, new ideas about games. The workshop serves to remind the industry of the foundation of games--creative new ways to play.
Believe Quotes
I'm of two minds on the issue. From a business development and sales lead point of view, two events yields twice the number of names and opportunities we generate from the COMMON membership. However, I believe that trying to conduct two successful events each year is more than the infrastructure can support. I suggest a single, large spring event with a university curriculum online to deliver the education and certification component; that means less travel, less time, same content. Four or five TUG/LUG and workshop programs would fill in with the face-to-face issues.
Broader Quotes
I decided I would open this little actors' workshop I always told actors to look for. That gave me something to do on Wednesday nights, and after about a year of that, I realized that some of the things I was saying to actors probably had broader application. I ran into a magazine called 'Speakers For Free.'