Adrien Brody Quotations
Adrien Brody Quotes about:
Advertising Quotes
I think people go to movies and they know too much about the movie before they go into it, whether it's the advertising or they're reading too many stories about it. And they know all the essential elements of the film before they even go into it. And I think that sabotages a thriller.
Changes Quotes
When you're the one character that changes dramatically in the movie ... it better be a change for the better. I think it's an improvement on the past. It's a more likely relationship. A screenwriter would fall in love with the woman he's writing for, his lead actress. I think there wasn't really enough of a love connection on the first one.
Military Quotes
I did a real boot camp once which with The Thin Red Line which was learning military exercises and this was far less strenuous. I really had a blast. We were all kind of thrown into the woods and we didn't have any of the modern conveniences that we take for granted. Learned how to survive without anything.
Jobs Quotes
The normal routine is always the same thing whether it's on a new movie or a new job - there's always a process of getting to know one another. I think part of what makes movies special is that it is a relatively intimate environment and it's pretty short-lived - you get to know one another very quickly.
Mean Quotes
Part of what attracted me to the village was it had a lot of parallels to contemporary issues. Like, fear and the way fear controls us. How the governing body of a town, or a nation, controls us through fear. They might mean well by it, but we are conditioned to be afraid of things. Fear of the unknown. Fear of terrorism. And it's unfortunate.