Annie Besant
Annie Besant
Annie Besantwas a prominent British socialist, theosophist, women's rights activist, writer and orator and supporter of Irish and Indian self-rule...
ProfessionCivil Rights Leader
Date of Birth1 October 1847
husband home thinking
We were an ill-matched pair, my husband and I, from the very outset; he, with very high ideas of a husband's authority and a wife's submission, holding strongly to the 'master-in-my-own-house theory,' thinking much of the details of home arrangements, precise, methodical, easily angered and with difficulty appeased.
boys interesting training
Debating clubs among boys are very useful, not only as affording pleasant meetings and interesting discussions, but also as serving for training grounds for developing the knowledge and the qualities that are needed in public life.
literature language institutions
Representative institutions are as much a part of the true Briton as his language and his literature.
men circles world
The worlds in which man is evolving as he treads the circle of births and deaths are three: the physical world, the astral or intermediate world, the mental or heavenly world.
voice advice spirit
The wanting of advice is the sign that the Spirit in you has not yet spoken with the compelling voice that you ought to obey.
intelligent morality relation
Morality is the Science of harmonious relations between intelligent beings.
men law needs
Celibacy is not natural to men or to women; all bodily needs require their legitimate satisfaction, and celibacy is a disregard of natural law.
spiritual attitude mars
No circumstances can ever make or mar the unfolding of the spiritual life. Spirituality does not depend upon the environment; it depends upon one's attitude towards life.
god self absurd
Never yet has a God been defined in terms which were not palpably self-contradictory and absurd; never yet has a God been described so that a concept of Him was made possible to human thought.
kings numbers clouds
As civilisation advances, the deities lessen in number, the divine powers become concentrated more and more in one Being, and God rules over the whole earth, maketh the clouds his chariot, and reigns above the waterfloods as a king.
men years discipline
As a man may be born with a mathematical faculty, and by training that faculty year after year may immensely increase his mathematical capacity, so may a man be born with certain faculties within him, faculties belonging to the soul, which he can develop by training and by discipline.