Augusto Pinochet Quotations
Augusto Pinochet Quotes about:
Military Quotes
The freedoms which had been so hard won from colonial domination were being crushed by Soviet-inspired and funded military and political forces. Their clear intention was to deprive the people of their democratic freedoms. As history shows, this is what had happened in the Soviet Union and in Cuba, and continues to be the case in other parts of the world.
Responsibility Quotes
Today, near the end of my days, I want to say that I harbor no rancor against anybody, that I love my fatherland above all and that I take political responsibility for everything that was done which had no other goal than making Chile greater and avoiding its disintegration.... I assume full political responsibility for what happened.
Memories Quotes
I have lived with my conscience and my own memories for over quarter of a century since the events of 1973.... These are not easy reflections for me. But I am at peace with myself, and with the Chilean people, about what happened. I am clear in my mind that the return to Chile of true democracy, and from that the true freedom to which all individual people are entitled, could not have been achieved without the removal of the Marxist government.
Access Quotes
These allegations will be deeply embarrassing for BAE, a leading British company with ready access to Downing Street under this and previous governments and a company which receives significant subsidies from the public purse ... The government needs to send a strong message to British companies that corruption and bribery will not be permitted or excused.
Children Quotes
in the face of the persecution of my wife and my son Marco Antonio, as well as the principal military collaborators of my government, I take full responsibility for the facts investigated by Judge Munoz and deny any participation by my spouse, my children and my closest collaborators.