Bill Phillips
Bill Phillips
Bill Phillips quotes about
long people favors
Most people are in favor of change, as long as they can continue to do things the same as they always have.
meaningful meaning-of-life meaningful-life
The meaning of life is to live a meaningful life.
inspiration source-of-inspiration source
The only true source of inspiration is to be an inspiration.
sorry doctors warning
We would all be better off if our doctors took us aside, sat down next to us, and gave us this compassionate, yet universally true, warning, I'm very sorry to have to remind you of this, but you've got only so much time to live; I suggest you begin, now, to make the most of every minute of every day.
exercise opportunity swim
Before even considering an exercise and nutrition program, I recommend that the person put on some swim trunks and have somebody take a photo of them. Then take a good look and ask yourself: Is this who I really am? If you don't see yourself as that, you have the opportunity to change it. But you need to change your mindset.
matter today
It is really not how much you can get out of life that matters; it is how much you can put into it that counts. What will you contribute to life today?
success powerful stress
Stress should be a powerful driving force, not an obstacle.
desire foundation intense
The foundation of success is intense desire.
loss body energy
When you nourish your body with pure energy, you transform from the inside out.
dream thinking hands
It's Very Important to understand the difference between dreams and goals. Dreams are things we wish for-things you enjoy thinking about but don't really know when they'll happen. Goals, on the other hand, are specific things you have decided you need to accomplish within a clearly defined period of time.
eye vision use
To have a functioning body and not to use it is like having 20/20 vision and never opening your eyes.