Bob Schneider Quotations
Bob Schneider Quotes about:
Thinking Quotes
My dad's a musician, and he taught me how to play when I was three, I think, so I've been playing ever since. It's something I've always done. And when you're really young, and you play music for people, people get really excited, so you get this inner sense that you are good at it, even though I've always been really not good at it.
Band Quotes
My dad would moonlight back then, ... He'd worked his way through college in a band before he became an opera singer. I'd been playing guitar all my life, but he recruited me to play drums when I was about 10. We played country clubs and stuff. He taught me drums for a good reason. I worked real cheap.
Add Quotes
We're really happy to have the Scouts doing projects, ... We generally supply all the material and they supply the labor. We ask them to build to our specifications. These are projects we wouldn't be able to do because of the lack of manpower. The Scouts can add amenities that finish things off nicely.
Basis Quotes
Isn't that a little bit ridiculous? You've got a guy walking down the street and he sees some unfriendly offices, and to make a leap from that to say we're talking about Enron -- that's really a stretch. They've chosen to make a campaign of this but they have no basis ... other than that they seem to have some complaints from their membership.