Nothing comes so naturally to a human being as anxiety and worry.
I watch worry and anxiety being pandered to through technology which is neutral.
I think the last week has definitely changed her. This is probably the most important point in her career.
People might not have shoes but they have a cell phone. We can turn that phone into a bank in your pocket.
Some of our concerns are a lack of tools and standards for using XML as well as the fact that most of our users use older Web browsers that don't support XML. We expect these issues to be addressed fairly soon, as standards are now being set and new tools are becoming available.
We've been fighting for a long time to strengthen the levees and get full funding for these. Hopefully, it will no longer fall on deaf ears, ... Would the money have saved us? Unfortunately, we'll never know.
We want to make clear that those who do want to return have the option to return to a place they know they will have gainful employment.
XML will provide a common format to share information with our suppliers and customers,
It seems sometimes the president has moved onto other items on his agenda. But if you talk to folks along the Gulf Coast, they will tell you that this issue still needs the president's full attention.
It's a shame instead of offering constructive advice and assistance, a United States congressman is wasting our time with stereotypes and accusations, ... Louisiana will rebuild with or without Mr. Tancredo's help.
It's a shame. Instead of offering constructive advice and assistance, a United States congressman is wasting our time with stereotypes and accusations, ... Louisiana will rebuild with or without Mr. Tancredo's help.
It's clear that we didn't do everything we could to safeguard ourselves from this hurricane or from a natural disaster such as Katrina but hopefully we will learn and be more prepared next time.
I had to pick the team up. At the time-out, (Howard) told us to take it inside so I followed directions.