One of the reasons you have something like this is to take some risks. Why do you have a multilateral development bank that is not going to take risk?
But there is no decision on financing yet.
We probably should have gotten up there further in advance than we did.
Upon receipt of the formal filing, CFIUS will move promptly to initiate the review process and fulfill D.P. World's request for a 45-day investigation.
Trade is very helpful to people. It provides lots of opportunities, it provides more markets. Our trade authorities, the U.S. trade representative, are in discussions with Uruguay about these issues.
They also look at the intelligence; they ask for intelligence advice from the intelligence services about is there a threat from this transaction, are there vulnerabilities of this transaction.
The administration will take this charge very seriously. We have heard very clearly the concerns raised in Congress and in some of the port authorities. We will look at that transaction in that light.
The review said that there was no derogatory information against this company, and that this company did not raise ... undue concerns about national security in the country.
In this case, the concerns that you're citing were addressed and resolved. There were no national security concerns that were not addressed.
The concerns that you're citing were addressed and resolved.